[RP] No Place Like Home

Aug 16, 2010 23:48

(Backdated a couple weeks. Co-written with hitchhiker_girl.)

It had been a long drive back to New York, and it had given her more time to think than she really needed, but it needed to be done. While she knew that the way she handled it was wrong, she still stood by it being the right thing to do. She needed to get away and get her head on straight, and if that involved not talking to Randall for a while, then that was what needed to be done. Now, however, she was going back because she knew that was what she wanted, and that was what really meant more to her than anything else.

Taking a deep breath, she made her way to Randall’s front door. Instead of automatically reaching for her key the way she usually did, she raised her hand and knocked, staying where she was and waiting for him to come and answer the door. He didn’t know she was coming, so for now she wasn’t just going to barge in. Especially when she still wasn’t really sure that things were solid.

Randall had just been hanging out, not doing much of anything. He had plans to get a late lunch with Charlie, but until then he had nowhere to be. Charlie had been trying to keep Randall busy over the recent weeks, and even though he had heard from Anna, Charlie hadn’t let up. Truth be told, Randall was glad, because he was still left with too much to think about.

When the knock came at the door he got to his feet and went to answer it. It was a warm day, so he was still lounging around in flannel pajama pants. He looked through the peephole and gulped slightly. He turned to see if he had a t-shirt nearby, but didn’t. He nervously pulled the door open anyway. He didn’t really know what to say, so he stuck to silence.

She looked up at him, her eyes holding his instead of going anywhere else, before giving him a small smile. “Hey.”

“Hi,” he said softly. “Um...come in, I just..have to..” He waved at himself. “Come in.” He turned quickly to go to his room and root around for a clean t-shirt and jeans, and changed. Then he ran his fingers through his hair and walked back out.

She came in and waited in the living room for him to change, arms crossed in front of her chest lightly. She knew she was probably intruding, but she’d ask about that later. Right now she was just going to keep her mouth shut unless prompted so that she didn’t say the wrong thing.

He wasn’t sure what was going to happen, or be said, but he didn’t want any interruptions. As he got back to the living room he found his cell phone and quickly called Charlie, leaving him a message. “Hey, I can’t make lunch. I..something came up.” Then he hung up and turned it off, before turning to face her again. He’d been trying to avoid eye contact before that moment, and now he couldn’t look away. He had missed her so much, and everything aside, he just wanted to grab her and hold her. But he wasn’t going to make that move just yet. He didn’t want to screw anything up.

“How are you?”

“Okay,” she said with a nod, rubbing one arm lightly. “A little tired. It was a long drive.”

He nodded, then jumped slightly as he remembered his manners. “Do you want something to drink? Or..or eat?”

“No,” she shook her head. “I’m okay.”

“Okay.” His own arms folded and he went quiet for a moment, but then nodded to the couch. “Want to sit?”

She took a breath before nodding. “Sure.”

Randall moved to the couch and grabbed the blanket laying disheveled on it from where he had been sleeping a lot recently. He tossed it aside and sat in the chair beside the couch, wanting to give her space.

She sunk into the couch a bit, still keeping her arms crossed in front of her before clearing her throat a bit. “So.”

He leaned forward, his elbows on his knees. “So...”

Suzie Q. came down the hall and paused to stretch, then her nose went in the air and she sniffed. She looked towards Anna and mewed, then trotted over and jumped up onto her lap, her motor already going. Randall smirked.

She laughed a little, before reaching over to pet her. “Yeah, I missed you too,” she said softly.

He watched the cat curl up right where she was and smiled a little wider. “See? I’m not the only one who missed you.”

“I know,” she said softly, before looking up at him again.

He looked back, his gaze softening. He still didn’t know what to say.

She held his gaze for a moment, before looking down at the cat again. She wasn’t all that good with words either right now, but for the moment it was all she had. “How’ve you been?”

“Good,” he nodded. He looked down and folded his hands. “Keeping busy.” Anything to keep his mind off of her, is what he didn’t say.

“Good,” she nodded. “That’s good.”

He rubbed his hands together nervously. His hand moved, then hesitated, before reaching out and setting it by her leg, his palm up to her.

She hesitated for a moment, before moving her hand from it’s place on Suzie Q and sliding into his.

He wrapped his fingers around hers and squeezed her hand, sighing softly. He started to speak and stopped a couple times before actually getting the words out. “Still here,” he said quietly. “I’ve-I’ve been waiting..I’m still here.”

“I know,” she said softly, inching closer to him and moving her free hand to brush against his face. “I know, Randall.”

His eyes closed at the touch and he leaned into her hand a bit. He took a deep and slow breath.

Her hand slid up, brushing over the top of his head as she looked at him. “I’m right here.”

He met her eyes, fear locked in his own, and just looked right back at her. “I’m sorry,” he muttered, almost scared of his words. “I’m sorry I screwed up. Don’t...don’t leave me again.”

“Randall,” she said softly, before moving closer so that she was almost in his lap. “I didn’t leave because you screwed up. It was part of it, but it wasn’t just that.”

He reached for her hand again, grasping it tightly. “Whatever the reason...if you go again...I’m not gonna sit here and wait. I’m going after you.”

She hesitated again, keeping her eyes on his. “Randall, coming after me wouldn’t help.”

“No,” he said tightly. “My dad left and we let him, and then we waited. When Heather left me I let her go, and I sat back and waited. I won’t do it again.”

She closed her eyes. “Coming after me would have only pushed me farther away.”

He let go of her and dropped his forehead into his palm. “I know.”

“You did the right thing.”

“So next time I’m just supposed to wait? Never stop waiting?”

“No,” she said softly. “I never said you had to wait. But when I say I need a break, it means I need a break. From everything -- otherwise I wouldn’t be leaving.”

“I get that, but...I know I’d never stop waiting.”

“So you’d rather lose me than wait?” She gave him a bit of a look. “That’s a really nice sentiment, Randall. Thanks.”

He looked up at her, confused. “No. If you go again I won’t have a choice but to wait. Even if I’m waiting the rest of my life.”

Her face softened at that, before leaning back a bit. “So you’ll just wait for me. Forever. And you’ll never move on.”

Randall looked away, then down. He shrugged. “Maybe...I’d move on in time, but I don’t want to.”

“That’s not healthy, Randall,” she said softly.

He looked over at her, incredulously. “It’s not healthy? It’s not healthy that I love one woman and only want it to be one woman? That her...up and leaving me for good would break my heart?” He got to his feet and ran a hand over his face, then headed to the kitchen. He needed something to drink.

“No, that’s not what I’m saying,” she said softly, burying her face in her hands. “But people leave, Randall. It’s what they do. It’s allowed to hurt for a while, but holding on to that for too long? You’ll rot from the inside out.”

He listened as he got a glass of water and slowly drank it. He set the glass down and set his hands on the counter, dropping his head. He knew people left, and he knew it didn’t matter if he was a jerk or well behaved, they’d still leave.

She took a breath as she leaned back into the couch. “I just don’t want to be the reason why you do that to yourself. You deserve better than that.”

He refilled the glass with water and walked back out, setting the glass in front of her. He stayed on his feet and stepped away. “If you’re not going to stay, don’t make me think otherwise, and maybe it’ll be easier to get over.”

She looked up at him. “I want to be here. But I can’t promise that I’m going to be here forever. No one can.”

“How do I know you don’t have one foot out the door from here on out?”

“I guess you don’t,” her eyes narrowed, crossing her arms in front of her chest. “I guess you’ll just have to trust me.”

“The same way that you trust I’m in this? No matter what happens in either of our lives?”

“Yes,” she said softly. “The same way I trust you.”

He looked over at her again and licked his lips. He sighed and tension flew out of him that he didn’t even know he was holding in. “I missed you...so much,” he whispered.

Her face softened a bit. “I missed you too.”

He slowly made his way over to sit beside her on the couch, but still left plenty of room between them. “If you trust me...” he continued quietly. “Why’d you have to go?”

She turned to face him with a sigh. “Because I needed to make sure that I was in this for the right reasons.”

“So why are you in it?”

“Because I love you, and you make me happy.”

“I want you to be happy,” he said. “I want us to be happy.”

“I know. And I want us to be happy too. Which is why I needed to make sure that I was really in it because I was happy or because I was comfortable.”

He bit his lip and watched her. “I can’t keep you here, but...if you’re going to go again...talk to me. I deserve that much.”

She shifted for a minute, then looked down. “You weren’t exactly in the talking mood at the time.”

“I know.” His head dropped again. “I’m sorry.”

“I know you are,” she sighed softly. “And I’ll admit that my leaving was a bit of a knee-jerk reaction, but that’s what I am, Randall. I’m impulsive.”

“I thought maybe I’d lost you.”

“Trust me, Randall. When you lose me, you’ll know.”


“Because I’ll say it to your face and not over the phone.”

He smiled softly. “Okay.”


He kept his eyes on her, but didn’t have much more to say at the moment. He had wanted to touch her from the moment she arrived, but he still wasn’t sure if he should or not. She watched him back, keeping her arms wrapped in front of her and trying to figure out what he was thinking.

He angled himself towards her more. “I don’t know...where to go next.”

“Where do you want to go?”

“I..” He shrugged. “I don’t know. I just want to hold you again.”

Anna watched him for a minute before pushing herself up on her knees to move closer. He moved over and brought a hand up to her cheek. He brushed it softly and ran his fingers through her hair, then against her neck. She closed her eyes, leaning into the touch a bit as she moved closer. He leaned in to meet her and softly kissed her. She met him in the kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck as she pressed closer. When she moved closer he couldn’t help but hold onto her tighter and deepen the kiss. She curled into him, holding onto the kiss for as long as she could without needing to breathe.

When they did break apart, he didn’t let her go far. He set his forehead to hers as he pulled her over into his lap. She moved into him, settling closer and resting her head against his shoulder. His arms went around her tightly and he rubbed her back slowly. He kissed the top of her head. “Welcome home,” he murmured.

She gave him a small smile before nodding. “Thanks.”

“I think I have to show you something,” he said slowly, a smile creeping onto his lips. “In case you forgot.”

She raised an eyebrow. “And what’s that exactly?”

“I’ll take you, if it’s okay.” He got to his feet, still holding onto her.

“Fine by me,” she murmured, leaning into him again.

He kissed her again and carried her down the hall to the bedroom. He smiled. “This,” he turned so she could see around. “Is my bedroom. I share it with the most gorgeous girl in the world.”

She laughed a little before tipping her head up to face him again. “Think she’ll get jealous if she finds me here?”

His eyes rolled up as he considered that. The corners of his lips were turned up. “I don’t know...I mean, I’m pretty fantastic in the sack...”

“So she just likes sharing you with everyone else?”

“That’s what I mean...she probably doesn’t. So we should probably take advantage of the time while we have it.” He leaned in and kissed her neck.

She tipped her head back a little, giving him better access. “I dunno. I’m not sure how I feel about being with a guy who’s taken.”

He drew his lips up her throat as he spoke. “Are you asking me to leave her for you?”

“I think I’d feel a little better if you did.”

“Mmm.” He dropped her onto the bed. “Okay. She’s history.”

“Just like that?”

He leaned over her. “Well...truth is, you’re cuter. And I’ve had a crush on you for a very long time.”

“Oh really?”


“Guess I’ll just have to reap the benefits, then.”

He grinned and slipped his hand under her shirt to brush it along her stomach. “I was hoping you’d say that.” He pushed the shirt up and leaned down to kiss her skin.

She closed her eyes and leaned back against the bed, running her fingers through his hair. He sighed at the feel of her fingers in his hair, and leaned up a bit to pull her shirt over her head. She shifted up to pull the shirt over her head and reaching over to tug off his. He let her, then reached down to unhook her shorts and push them down her hips. She kicked them off to the floor before pulling him more on top of her. As he went he unhooked her bra and tossed it aside, then leaned in to let his lips rediscover her curves. She moaned softly, pushing her body up against his. His body pushed back against hers and he leaned up to kiss her lips again. His hand slid down and up her leg as he pulled it closer to his hip.

She arched up into him, wrapping her leg around his waist as she pulled him into the kiss. He groaned lightly as he pressed her closer to the bed. She leaned back into the bed just enjoying the feel of him on top of her, holding her close. His hand moved down her hip and pulled her underwear down her legs. His hand slid back up between them, just touching her softly. She moaned softly at the touch, pushing up into his hand as she pulled him closer. He struggled with his free hand to get his jeans off and kissed her harder. She pulled him in closer, wrapping her legs around his waist and pushing her body up against his. He settled close and hold her tight in his arms, taking it slow at first and making it last as long as he could. He eventually fell against her and shifted his weight off of her while keeping her close.

She hummed softly, curling into him and letting her head rest against his chest. Randall sighed and rubbed her back slowly. He pressed his lips to the top of her head. It felt so good having her there beside him again. He wasn’t sure he’d be able to let go anytime soon.

She closed her eyes, feeling herself relax a little more. “I might fall asleep on you.”

“I don’t mind,” he whispered. He tilted her chin up and kissed her lightly.

She kissed him back, before settling into him more and closing her eyes.

He closed his eyes too. “I love you, gorgeous,” he said. He had to smile. He’d missed having her there to call her that.

She smiles slightly as well. “I love you too.”

[rp], [verse] livin' on a prayer, [rp] hitchhiker_girl

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