[RP] Strain this chaos turn it into light....

Feb 28, 2010 14:29

(Backdated to Valentine's Day. Co-written with hitchhiker_girl.)

It had been a rough several days, and Randall needed to be with his family, but he also needed to see Anna. She could comfort him in a way that no one else could. And it was Valentine's Day, and he didn't feel right not being there with her.

He left his mom's house late in the afternoon and headed towards home. He knew she would be working, but he'd be there when she got back, and that was all that mattered. He wanted to surprise her.

When he got to the city he stopped at the store to pick up one of the last minute flower bouquets and some chocolate. He also picked up Susie Q's favorite kitty treats, some wine, and something to fix for a late dinner. With bags in his arms, he soon stumbled his way into his apartment. As soon as he hit the lights, Susie Q came running. When she saw it was him she immediately curled between his legs, purring and batting at him. He grinned and set the groceries down so that he could sit on the floor and love on her for awhile.

After spending time with his other favorite girl, he started to throw dinner together. Something that they could eat, or that they could forget about and warm up much later. Then he put the flowers in a vase and set it and the chocolate on the coffee table. He left a note with them.


Didn't think I'd forget, did you? Now stop standing there and come to bed.

When it was close to time for her to be back from work, he killed all the lights and scooped Susie up, then went to the bedroom. He stripped to his boxers and crawled into bed and lay there, relaxing as he waited for Anna.

Valentine's Day was usually pretty slow for the bar, but Anna stuck around until everything was cleaned up anyway. She needed the hours and it wasn't like she had anyone to go home to at the moment. She was staying at Randall's to take care of Suzy, but going back to that big empty bed on Valentine's Day. That was just depressing. When she actually made her way into the apartment and saw the note she blinked, a little surprised as she shed her jacket and started to head back towards the bedroom.


"Better not be expecting anyone else."

At that, she double-timed it, coming around the corner and looking at him with wide-eyes. "What're you doing here?"

He propped his head up on his hand and looked at her with a big smile. "Seeing my girl."

"I thought you were in Virginia," she said softly.

He sat up. "I was...I have to go back, but...I missed you." He sighed and looked at her with large puppy eyes. "Will you get over here?" His arms opened.

He didn't have to tell her twice. She kicked off her shoes before climbing up onto the bed and curling up next to him, closing her eyes as she leaned into the hold. He sighed and wrapped her up tightly, closing his eyes and laying back. He ran his fingers through her hair and kissed her forehead.

She sighed softly. "I missed you."

"Me too," he murmured. He had hardly slept in recent nights, and being there with her was finally letting him relax.

She pouted slightly. "I don't want you to go back."

"I know...I need to." His hand brushed her cheek.

She sighed again. "I know. Doesn't mean I have to like it though."

"No, it doesn't." His finger brushed under her chin and he tipped her head back to kiss her slowly. She leaned into the kiss, wrapping her arm around his neck as she got closer. He leaned into her, holding her tighter and keeping the kiss steady. She leaned back against the bed, relaxing against him and just enjoying the feeling of having him close. She knew she had to make the most of the opportunity while she had it, and that could take some time.

He pulled back to get some air and kissed her nose, then her cheek and her chin. "I didn't get you jewelry," he said with a little smile.

She smirked. "Good thing I didn't ask for any."

"Guess I'd be in the doghouse."

"If I had asked and you forgot? Definitely."

He grinned. "You'd never ask."

She shrugged. "It's not my thing."

He frowned. "But you liked that bracelet I got for you that one time."

"I did," she nodded. "I'm just not going to expect it all the time. Sometimes it's impractical."

"Which is why I got you something practical today. Me." He curled up closer against her, his hand wandering along her hip.

She grinned as she leaned in to kiss him again. "Yes. Yes, you did."

He kissed her back, shifting over her gently and taking his time to enjoy the feel of her body against his. She sighed softly as he settled over her, letting her arms wrap around her shoulders and pull him closer.

His hips pressed closer to hers as he kissed her jaw and neck. "Everything is so screwed up back there," he said softly. His hand moved under her shirt and glided up her ribs. "But here...it's just like it should be."

She arched up into his hand, just leaning back and letting him take whatever he needed from her. He pulled up to look down at her as his hand moved higher. She stared back at him, her eyes closing as his hand inched higher and continued to explore her skin. He leaned back a bit to pull her shirt over her head, then went back to admiring her. His finger hooked under her bra strap and pulled it down her shoulder, then he leaned in to kiss her shoulder. She closed her eyes and leaned into the touch, letting her fingers trail down over his back. He got the bra out of the way completely, his lips traveling lower over her skin. Tilting her head back, she slid her fingers in his hair as she just enjoyed the sensations.

Before long her had all her clothes off, his hands and lips all over her. Her hands moved down to grip his shoulders pulling him up so she could kiss him again. He went with it, kissing her and moving to slide out of his boxers. She slid her legs around his waist, deepening the kiss as she leaned back against the bed. He took her slowly, just wanting to enjoy it and make it last. When he finally came down beside her he pulled her into his arms tightly and buried his face in her hair. She curled into him closely, just wanting to keep up the contact between them for as long as they could.

"You know how much I love you, right?" he murmured.

"Yeah," she murmured back. "I love you too."

"So kidnap me. Take me on the run."

She laughed. "If you don't want to go home, Randall, just stay."

He sighed. "I'm not allowed to be the irresponsible one right now."

"Firstly, if you have to stay in the city, who says you're being irresponsible? Say you have to stay for work."

He looked at her and brushed his fingers through her hair. "Think I'd let myself down if I didn't go back."

"Then you have to go back."

"Not if you hold me against my will."

"Randall. You've got a foot on me and a whole lot of muscle. Who's going to believe that I managed to hold you against your will?"

"Only because they haven't seen you naked," he grinned, rolling back and pulling her on top of himself.

She laughed. "I'm serious, Randall."

He tucked an arm behind his head and looked up at her. "I know. I...have to be a big boy." His hand brushed against her back.

"Yeah," she nodded. "Probably be the best."

"My girlfriend, the voice of reason," he teased.

She smirked. "It goes both ways."

"What does?"

"Being the voice of reason."

"Meaning sometimes I get to be it?"

"Yup," she nodded.

"Here I thought you were always the sane one."

"Nope. Not all the time."

"Okay, so we take turns being crazy, and the other one will be there." His tone was still light, but he was completely serious. He liked that they could balance each other out.

"Exactly," she nodded. "That's what this is for."

"Then I guess you'll have to stick around for a long time. You wouldn't want to see me go insane, would you?"

"No. That wouldn't be good at all."

He leaned up and kissed her lightly. "Good. I want you around for a long time."

"Good," she nodded. "It's nice to be wanted."

"You are so," he kissed her jaw. "Very," he kissed her chin. "Wanted," and he kissed her lips.

She sighed softly into the kiss, letting her fingers run down his arms and used them to pull herself closer. His fingers ran up and down her back as he just lazily enjoyed the kiss.

She pulled back from it after a moment, before resting her forehead against hers. "If I take a nap, will you be here when I wake up?"

"Of course," he whispered.

"'Kay," she said softly, before shifting off him and curling up next to him. "Cuz I think I need one."

"Go ahead and sleep," he said, kissed her forehead. He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her closer.

She closed her eyes, letting her head rest against his shoulder as she started to drift off. "Night, Randall."

"Goodnight, Anna."

[rp], [verse] livin' on a prayer, [rp] hitchhiker_girl

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