Apr 30, 2018 15:12
Wow, it's been three years since posting to LJ. It feels quite odd to be back. I know there have been changes and a lot of the people I frequantly followed/friended are no longer around. But, hopefully some old and a whole lot of new friends will make this my favorite place again. I haven't changed too much in the past three years. New fandoms are mainly the biggest change.
I've really missed having a place to just dump my thoughts. I use to be very active with my daily entries of life stuff. My life is kind of blah at the moment. I was laid off from my job of six years. And all my friends are married and too busy. I'm still single. I'm on the, I like being single and having no boy drama phase. My last boyfriend was super controling and I guess tainted the thought of finding a good man. So, I'm on a break...
I use to be major crazy for music. It was everything. Now, not so much. Haven't been to a concert in two years. I watch Netflix more than listen to music. So, my craze now is TV/Movies. Fave shows at the moment: NCIS, Criminal Minds, Elementary, S.W.A.T., SEAL Team, Supernatural.. Now there are many more, but I'm behind on so many of my fave shows.
I live in Central Florida, about 20mins from Disney World. I'm a big Disney fanatic, the whole family is.. My best friend lives four hours away in Georgia. So, thus I don't have much of a life outside family..
I have two cats; Tober and Sassy. And one dog; Abbey. I'm a huge animal lover. Pretty much anything but spiders and snakes.
Well, that's a few random things about me and I can't wait to get to catching up on those who are still here. And hopefully find some new friends too. I'm going to have to remember how to use everything again and learn some of the new stuff. Oi!!
about me