Keep your babies and obnoxious dudes at home.

Aug 11, 2009 19:29

So I went to see GI Joe yesterday. It was freakin awesome, way better than expected. Okay so as always I got there really early. And I'm watching people come in and take their seats. I counted 6 babies and too many kids to keep count. I was like, Are you kidding me? I just knew that it was going to be filled with crying babies and whining children, to the point I would be distracted. But no, no peep from any babies. Only one whine child but it didn't last long. No, I was fooled, I should have been upset that the dude in front of me sat down. First off he wouldn't stop turning around and looking at me, his friend did the most unsmooth move of leaning over his friend to look at me. Dudes, turn around and leave me alone. Then through out the whole movie the guy kept hollering and jumping out of his seat like "OH SHIT DID YOU SEE THAT?!" like completely obnoxious. And I'd find myself going "uh, what did I miss? What was so amazing that it deserved that reaction?" He was just some idiot who doesn't get out much, that's what I'm assuming.

Best part of GI Joe? Joseph Gordon-Levitt. I did not know he was in this flick and I was happy to be surprised by his role. I still need to go see 500 Days of Summer, like NOW.

Today after work I went to find some jeans. See, I found the most kick ass jeans at a thrift store for four bucks. they fit me as if they were made just for me. I'm in love with these jeans. But being selfish I want another pair. Do you think I could find this exact pair anywhere? Do you think there is any jean out there that fits me even close to as well as these lovely thrift store jeans? Nope. I left the store completely frustrated and worn out from trying on 20 pairs of jeans. Leaving with no jeans. But to not be completely bummed out I did get a purple Beatle shirt for 7 bucks cause it was on sale. :)

I have super awesome news to share, but I'm afraid to say anything just yet in case it goes all wrong. But in a week I might be able to shout out with glee. :)

random, movie

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