I dood it!

Nov 11, 2020 15:42

I have reluctantly signed up for AO3--not much posted over there yet, but apparently I hadn't orphaned my one story imported when HASA went under, as I'd feared I had. So that's a relief, and also that much less I have to do. :D Not sure how much I'll port over there or how quickly; I'll probably start with the Green Hornet and Saint fics and then decide, maybe work through the long list of series a bit at a time. (Stanford Adventure Club will take ages, I know that much.)

But the main reason is that today's the day I finally get to post Carbines and Capacitors, my giant POI/Cheyenne crossover for the POI Big Bang! \o/ *falls backward onto the couch* It's also here on LJ; I think my PDF is prettier than AO3's, but that's me. :D

Happy Veterans Day!
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