Train Ride Home From Boston...sometime around 10pm

Dec 01, 2005 22:46

The train is full of beligerant motherfuckers on the way home from the bruins game, and I am sandwhiched between an incredibly large older man, and a rather homely but nicely dressed 25 year old...

Amongst the lushbags and people from school I do not want to see, a man emerges from the crowd carrying a didgeridoo and a guitar.

Not having seen a didgeridoo in quite some time, and sick of being quiet amongst all the nose I pipe up...

"A didgeridoo? Rock on!"

The man: "Yeah, it's plastic though, it still makes about the right sound, which is cool..."

"Well it looks wooden from a distance" says I.

The man: "Yeah, it's pretty sweet"

The two drunken men on either side of me stop playing with themselves/ nodding off in a drunken stupor to look at the instrument...

"I carried one of those through boston once," I said, "People kept asking me if it was a really large bong...::giggle::"

"Yeah, I get either that, or a rainstick..."

Drunk fat man: "That isn't a rainstick?? ::duhh i'm a stupid lush peice of shit::

The man: "No" and he starts blowing through it making a crazy noise

Me: Yeah that sounds pretty authentic"

It's the mans stop, I say peace out, he leaves smilin'.

Oh no, the men on either side of me start asking me how to say didgeridoo about every five minutes because they've forgotton, and then ask me if i'd ever played one and such. They continued to ask me weird questions until the fat man left which was a relief. He rather smelled.
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