(no subject)

Mar 01, 2010 02:48

I've been sort of boycotting the 2010 Olympics these past couple of weeks. Of course, that's very hard to do when the Olympics are occurring so close to where I live. I support the athletes and everything they've gone through to get where they are. It's a wonderful show of self-discipline, something I wish I had more of. I do not, however, support the over zealous spending that has gone into the event. It's such an unbelievably cash cow at this point.
I felt quite patriotic today, though. Not just because we won gold, or even because we've made a record. I'm not denying that that's cool, but it doesn't have anything to do with the feeling of national pride I experienced today. I was at work during the game, and on the opposite side of the mall was an Olympics set up. There was a large flat screen TV and bleachers set up for viewing. The place was packed. My coworker and I took turns going down to the set up, him to watch the game and me to just sort of soak it all in (I'm essentially a hockey hating, beer shunning disgrace of a Canadian). When I was down there, people were hugging and smiling and just generally happy. While I was in the store, people were popping in just to keep me updated on the score, to tell a joke or simply to chat. I think I would have been generally irritated by that if it weren't for the fact that the entire mall, minus the Olympics setup, was completely deserted.
Still, it was lovely seeing everyone so happy and so proud of their country. Over here in B.C., we don't get patriotic very often and I normally cringe at the idea (we are by nature a fairly modest people), but I was happy to see it and even take part in what I could.
I even got to jump up and down and scream when I heard the cheers from the other side of the mall. It was very loud and very infectious.

Also, there was apparently a happy mob in downtown Vancouver today. They were climbing on bus stop covers and all over Future Shop (who had closed their doors due to the riot). That one... not so cool, guys.

I haven't posted music in a while, so here:

image Click to view

I really love this song, as I do all of Regina's work. Simply gorgeous. And unfortunately, I think it's a feeling we've all felt at some point or another.

music, regina spektor, olympics

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