Went and saw Transformers tonight. I actually enjoyed it. I didn't go in with too high of expectations, but I was fairly pleased. A lot of people are saying that the plot is lacking, that the writing is also lacking, but you know what isn't lacking? Explosions. That's what. I paid to see things go boom. Things damn well went boom. That's cool with me. Besides, the movie opens with a ghetto ass ice cream truck transformer which turns out to be two wigger transformers. In my book, that is bloody epic. Then again, I never watched the original cartoon, so I'm probably biased.
Also, the teaser for The Last Airbender was in the trailers. This was another movie that I was scared of. I loved the original series. I still don't believe that it was put out by Nikelodian. Anyways, I was impressed by what I saw. I'm not a fan of M. Night, but I think he's managed to capture something. I mean, as much as one can in the span of a minute.
Check 'er out:
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Coo', coo'.
I think I need to go watch an episode of Avatar then go crash. Damn work.