
Mar 26, 2009 09:16

I swear it's a goddamn conspiracy. I don't know who the fuck to trust...and that's the biggest fucking shame, because I'm probably the most sincere, nicest, and trustworthy person you could ever meet. 
And unlike some people, I'm not being boastful or "God, look how fucking wonderful I am" bullshit. I'm serious.

I mean really, can't you just leave me the fuck alone? What the fuck did I ever do to you?
Oh yeah, I've bought you meals. kept your secrets. drove you places. bought you booze. I guess that merits a shit talking pow-wow. 
Not to mention that I hardly ever talk shit or gossip. Because I think it's fucking RUDE, DISRESPECTFUL, and UNNECESSARY. Don't you realize that people are far more complex than that? That bullshit? Pure gossip can never amount to anyone. You can never know the full extent of someone. Their true thoughts, feelings, emotions; how they really are. How could you just write someone, anyone off?  
 Psh, I guess I was just raised with a little bit of class. I mean, you may think I have a drinking problem because I like to blow off steam with some drinks with my friends after working a 9 hour shift of basically being a mother and going to class, but at least I'm not being an asshole. I don't take anyone for granted. 
I've tried my hardest, I really have. But I can only take so much shit before my claws start to show. My edges have been ruffled and I'm on the defense right now, so if you push my buttons I'll be quick to use my hands instead of my mouth. 
Man, I really don't want to. It's really not me. But that's straight up how I feel, I'm so pissed I could hit someone. 
Damn, I know I should just let this shit go. People tell me that I shouldn't care what anyone thinks. And to an extent I don't. But fuck, how would you like it if people were talking shit about you who are actually supposed to be your friends? You'd be pissed, right?
Dead right.

Thank you so much Sarah. For sticking up for me. When I couldn't possibly do it myself because I wasn't there.

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