Mar 02, 2010 22:23
It was an honour and a pleasure to be present at Gwyn and Lucy's wedding. So many people there I like and don't see enough of. I was a really great ceremony, then with the castle, the snow (SNOWFIGHT!) and laughs all the day. Even made some kind of long-overdue peace with Profaniti so that was nice.
I have been asked to write a serialised novel of a sort and get paid for it. Like a proper writer.
S. is fantastic as always.
Work is not.
Have been quoted on a flyer. Now feel like a proper reviewer.
When the translation comes from treading water to swimning in the big ocean will I recognise it? Will I reach the distant shore or drown? Will I treat success and failure as the imposters I know they are.
iphone! ZOMG
Larping - enjoying FnH, looking forward to Outcast, hope to see people at the LT.
So very busy in the evenings.
I think long thoughts