Future of the Left 'The hope that House Built'
Some observations from recent weeks:
I am now reviewing for
www.remotegoat.co.uk. Expect to be asked to be a plus one in the future.
I finished my Nanowrimo novel, but the story remains incomplete. I will finish the story over the holidays and then review and perhaps ask some trusted friends to review. (b_k_f I am looking in your direction).
I have left all my Christmas shopping to the last minute.
I have failed to see as many friends as I had hoped over the last year, I have also not made as much progress in the work directions as I would have liked. But progress was made.
Notice how climate change deniers have no alternate theory as to what is happening to the world. That is because they cannot argue with the science. So they argue that it is a consipracy, that scientists have alternate agendas and that Al Gore and the like stand to make a great deal of money from these things and destroy quality of life. One can argue against agenda but untimately the science shows this is happening.