another day...

May 23, 2002 00:32

well, i saw monster's ball this evening...and yoko and i were kind of upset about the whole denzel oscar fiasco...but, halle's performance was...tolerable...acceptable...a bit overdramatic, but the award wasn't a complete mistake. too many sex scenes seeing michael j fox on cspan this evening was really, really sad. it makes you think how little control you have over your own life, he's turned such a difficult existence into such a powerful movement.
way to go ZUZ, is all i can say... :-P
today was a connecting updating day...a bunch if interesing emails...talked to yoko for a sec on im (whoohoo)...had some coffee with my tix for orlando (hott)...TALKED with my mother...(weird)...and. yeah. that's about it.
realizing that i'm going to be home alone this weekend...very, very cool...the 'rents and the bros are going to pick up lizard in BH, at the haystack arts camp. but, they're going to PC first...staying house for rach. if only i had a working car. hmm. anyway. it should be sunny tomorrow. :)
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