Title: The Shadow and the Knight
Fandom: Rookies
Pairing: Aniya Keiichi/Yagi Touko
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance, drama
Length: 3214 words
Disclaimer: I love my characters but unless I can get one of them for Christmas this year, I don't own any of them.
Summary: ”You can't have a light without a dark to stick it in.” - Arlo Guthrie (1947- )
A/N: My first
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A few things though; Yagi actually calls Aniya Kei-chan, instead of his full first name. And an interesting thing to note that Aniya has never actually referred to Yagi by her name throughout the whole series. But seeing as they're childhood friends, I'd expect him to actually call her by her first name when they're alone together.
Good first story though. But now I have to go and stare at something blank for a while. White font on black background look really terrible on my screen @_@
There is a meaning behind everything I write ;)
The reason why Yagi calls Aniya, Keiichi when she's mad is because she thinks it's ridiculous to call someone -chan when they argue, and besides, it make more of an impact, don't you think? I also noticed that he never calls her anything but even though he obviously has feelings for her he's too proud to let her in on it by calling her by her first-name.
Even, and especially, when they're alone together :P
Don't know how much sense that makes but that's what I think xD
Hihi, the white font might not be the best but you should have seen in the beginning when I used neon-green! *rolls around on the floor* it was straight out horrible to look at!
PS. I added you as a friend btw, I hope you don't mind ;)
Thanks for reading, means so much to me!
I actually understood exactly what you said :D And about the neon green...wow. You would have never gotten a review from me in that instance. I would have passed out half way while reading. Even now I had to copy everything into word to read it without getting a headache.
No problem. More friends with similar interests welcomed! I added you back bb.
Really? Is it that bad? Never really thought about it, I tend to get headaches if the font is black on white background, too bright for me. Guess it goes both ways, right?
Yay! I have a new friend <3 That means I'm not a stalker or a serial-killer, right? Sorry, just checked out your journal a little =3
Yes it's that bad. Just writing this reply I have to glance quickly to the phrase I want to reply to. The white font just jumps out at me and I see stars when I look away.
LOL obviously not. But do you really know that 'I'm' not one? >D
Wow, then replying on this page must be a bitch, huh? *hihi*
Very true.... Are you?? *runs and grabs a pitchfork from the nearest cupboard*
Hehehe ~I'll never teeeeell~ >D
Ehh? then... *grabs the pitchfork a little harder* I guess we'll just have to wait and see what you are...
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