Title: The Shadow and the Knight
Fandom: Rookies
Pairing: Aniya Keiichi/Yagi Touko
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Romance, drama
Length: 3214 words
Disclaimer: I love my characters but unless I can get one of them for Christmas this year, I don't own any of them.
Summary: ”You can't have a light without a dark to stick it in.” - Arlo Guthrie (1947- )
A/N: My first
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we soooo need more yagixaniya loving here in rookies fandom.
i sooo adore ittt! sweet sweet sweet!
planning to write anymoree? do share more pleasseee! :D
We do, right? Have hardly seen any in my search for Rookies-fics, too bad really because the series gave us so much to work with. I mean the relationship between the two is just amazing! Both seem to want it but neither of them dares to take the first step xD
Thank you so much for liking it! I planned to make this a multi-chapter first but it felt better as a one-shot. But to answer your question: I will never stop writing, as long as people read and like what I create ;)
I never wrote Rookies before but I have another one that's more like silly teasing from Aniya and blushing from Yagi, not too realistic that it but who knows... someone might like it apart from me ;)
I will try post the next one as soon as I can so stick around for it, okay? :3
Thanks again for reading, liking and dropping a comment! <3
i cannot but like it! it's wonderful! and i'm glad that you decided to continue to write more and more.
i shall follow and support you all the way!
gambatte yo!!!~~~
Yay! I have a follower! (And I don't mean that in a creepy, cult-kinda way :P Be sure to stay on the lookout for the next fic from me, ne? The title for the next one is "The rules have changed"
What do you think? It will, hopefully, be kind of smutty in the end xD
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