[Fanfic] Fight 'til you drop ..... Chapter 11

Aug 15, 2010 13:39

Title: Fight 'til you drop. Chapter 11
Pairing: RyoDa, JinDa, KoTego
Rating: AU, PG-13
Genre: Drama, Romance
Disclaimer: I wish I could say I owned them *wipes tears*
Summary: After the break-up with Ryo Tatsuya tries her best to repair the broken things in her life: her heart and her family. Even though she thinks that the worst is over fate has other challenges and obstacles in store for her along the long road of life.
A/N: In this fic Ueda appears as a girl, just for your information ;)


“Huh? Jinjin's okay again?” Koki asked no one in particular when Tatsuya and Jin joined them again after about fifteen minutes.

Kame finally relaxed his body where he was sitting on the couch. He had gotten really worried about Jin when he realized that there was no way to get through to the thick-sculled man.

“So you're back to normal again?” He asked his friend and the latter nodded with an apologetic smile.

“Yeah... Sorry for worrying you.” He tried to look like he regretted it but a huge grin prevented him from doing so and it was first now Kame realized that Jin and Tatsuya were holding hands. They hadn't done that since....

“Are you guys dating again?!” He blurted out in true Junno-style.

Both Tatsuya and Jin blushed at his conclusion and that gave him the prof he needed. They were dating.

“Really?” Koki bounced up to them and gave them both a HUGE hug when they nodded at his question.

The rest of the day was spent like they usually did: Doing nothing of importance really.

They went to the zoo and spent the most of the day there, mostly because Koki and Junno wanted to, before heading to the game-center to try to cheer up Kame and Maru who had been very disappointed at them for bringing them to the zoo most of the day.

Jin and Tatsuya didn't really mind where they went on that pretty sunny day, to tell the truth they were too happy to care.

“Tat-chan!” A loud voice calling her name brought Tatsuya out of her bliss and she focused her eyes on the person that had called her. Just a few meters ahead stood Tegoshi, waving his arms off, looking very happy to see her.

“Do you know that guy?” Koki asked with his usual gangster-eyes and was about to charge at the kid for calling after his Tatsuya for Tat-chan when Tatsuya managed to stop him at the last second.

“Yeah. He's a friend of mine.” She said smiling and nodded for the guys to follow her when she walked up to him to say hello.

Instead of a “Hello.” she received a huge hug and Tatsuya could almost hear Koki gritting his teeth in jealousy.

When Tegoshi finally let go of her both Tatsuya and Jin noticed Yamapi coming out of one of the stores a little further up the street and Tegoshi ran up to him and threw himself around his neck before dragging him back to Tatsuya and her friends.

“Look who I found, Pi!” Tegoshi grinned at his leader.

Pi looked at Tatsuya with a little smile, he looked really tired. Maybe she should have gone to work after all.

“Are you okay?” Pi asked her while trying to stop Tegoshi from getting any closer to the gangster-looking Koki who obviously hadn't let go of the fact that Tegoshi had just hugged his Tat-chan.

“Yeah, I guess. Thank you for your help the other day by the way.” She didn't know why but she felt a little awkward talking to Pi around her friends and Tegoshi.

“Not a problem, I'm just happy to help.”

“Ne, Tat-chan...” Tegoshi tugged the sleeve of her jacket and looked at her with puppy eyes. “Are you sick?” He looked an awful like Koki and apparently she wasn't the only one who had noticed it because she could hear giggles and chuckles from behind her.

Tatsuya just put her hand on his head and ruffled his hair with a smile. She laughed a little when she noticed the huge pout on Tegoshi's lips but still didn't say anything. She didn't really want to tell them just yet and Kame who had been giggling all the time and took her silence as a sign that she wasn't about to tell Pi and the other guy placed a hand on the smaller guy's shoulder and looked at him with a smile.

“Kid, how old are you?” Tegoshi looked at him a little questioning before answering.


“Hey Koki. I didn't know you had a younger twin.” Maru said and laughed when Koki pouted as well.

“We are nothing alike.” They both said in unison, making Koki fairly annoyed and pouted even more when the guys wouldn't stop laughing at him. He threw himself around Tatsuya's waist to receive some comfort from his princess but as soon as he got there he noticed that the other guy had done the same thing and the two started throwing death-glares at each other while everyone else thought to themselves: “They must have been separated at birth.”.

After prying the two “children” away from each other they decided that they would go to the club and spend the rest of the night there.

At the “Neon Lights” a big crowd of people had already gathered even though the real partying didn't start until 10 pm. Sousuke who was mixing drinks like never before had been very pleased to see Pi again and he welcomed the new guy who, for some strange reason, reminded him of Koki.

“I didn't think you would make it tonight.” He smiled at Tatsuya and gave a drink to one of the people waiting at the bar. “I kept the back room available for you in case you decided to show up.” He reached in under the counter and threw the key to Jin who grabbed it mid-air and together they all went to their usual spot.

The room was cool and the bar was stacked so Tegoshi had no reason not to like it and as soon as he saw the deck of cards on one of the tables he knew that he was in the right place.

He may not have looked like it but he loved to party, he loved to go drinking with his friends and he loved to play poker. It was the one game that he had never lost in, no matter who was the opponent. He sat down and started to play with the deck while looking challenging at the others.

“Anyone care to join me?” He asked with a smirk on his face, he knew there was no way he would lose to these guys.

Koki immediately accepted the challenge and Kame, Maru, Junno and Jin were not late to do so either.

“Tat-chan, aren't you gonna play with me?” He asked but was quickly shushed by the other guys.

“Hey kid, we would like a chance to win too.” Maru said and then looked at Tatsuya with a smile. ”No offense, Hime?” She just laughed at his question and gave him the thumbs up.

“None taken.”

Tegoshi quickly dealt out the cards and after that the game started and both Pi and Tatsuya laughed as they felt how the mood in the room changed from friendly to challenge-mode.

Tatsuya nodded to Pi to sit down in the couch, she had this feeling that he wanted to talk to her even though he hadn't said anything yet.

“Ne, Pi. I'm truly sorry for not coming to work today, I just felt like...” Pi grabbed her hand and squeezed it hard making her stop her apology.

“Don't worry about it. If you're sick you shouldn't come to work.” He sent a sympathetic smile her way making her feel even more guilty for not telling him the real reason for leaving work early.

“Well, I don't know if I'm sick but...” She stopped. She couldn't find the right words to say and so she just shut up.

Pi understood from the silence that Tatsuya was not in a discuss-her-sickness-mode and so, for some odd reason, he decided to bring up the Ryo-subject.

“So....” He leaned back in the couch while looking with pleased eyes towards the loud poker-game. “What's going on with you and Ryo? I tried to talk to him but he just snapped at me.... Not that that is anything unusual but still.” Tatsuya sighed and suddenly one of her blond locks looked very interesting so she started to roll it between her fingers.

“Well, to make a long story short: He cheated on me and we broke up.” She said with an expression-less voice.

“WHAT?!!!” Pi jumped up from the couch and stared at her.

“Pi, sit down again.” She smiled a tired smile at her friend. “It doesn't matter anymore, me and Jin are back together anyway so I don't care about what Ryo does with that Leah-girl.”

“What the hell?! For once I thought he was being s.... Wait, did you just say Leah?” Pi looked at her with a suspicious look.

“Yeah... Why is something wrong?”

“I don't know if I should be telling you this but Ryo has always had a big crush on Leah, ever since the first time they met and up until now it was a one-side-thing only but apparently that changed.” Pi sighed tiredly and placed a hand on his forehead. “I think my head is going to explode soon.” He smiled but it seemed like a sad one to Tatsuya and she placed a hand on his shoulder.

“Ne, Pi. If you ever need to relax you can just call me and you can come and relax at my grandmother's place. We have three swimming-pools, two Jacuzzis and an entire park to relax in.” She smiled as his eyes grew bigger and bigger until they were as big as dinner-plates.


“I understood you came from a rich family but I had no idea you were that rich.”

“Well, we are one of the biggest companies in Japan at the moment. My grandmother started the company from scratch before my mom was born and she's done an amazing job with it.” Suddenly Tatsuya realized how proud she was over her grandmother, she had never thought about it before.

The two kept on talking until they could hear how the music grew louder in the club and with a mischievous smile at Pi Tatsuya jumped up from the couch and ran over to Jin and pulled him away from the nearly-finished pokergame and gave him a peck on the check before whispering something in his ear. The words brought a smile to his face and when Tatsuya turned around and walked out the door he turned the the guys.

“Come on guys. Let's party.” With those words he ran after his girlfriend and the guys were not late in following him.

Out in the club the music was almost deafening, the base was so loud you could feel it in your stomach and the crowded dance-floor was covered in blue, purple and green lights.

Jin just stood there in the crowd looking for Tatsuya when he felt a pair of hands around his waist from behind. He was about to turn around to the person but she pressed her lips against his neck before he could do so and for some reason he immediately knew it was Tatsuya.

He quickly turned around and placed his hands on her swaying hips. Her body moved to the beat of the music and she looked incredible sexy while doing so. With a smirk she grabbed his neck and pulled his body closer to hers, Jin could now feel her movements instead of just seeing them and her flexible body so close to his made him dizzy from excitement. He had waited far too long for this moment, the moment were they would be that close again, the moment were everything but Tatsuya disappeared from his vision....

Jin couldn't hold it anymore and so he pressed their bodies closer together and he could faintly hear a moan from the girl when he grinded their hips together. Tatsuya was pretty much panting in his ear when the songs switched for the third time and Jin couldn't help but wanting to taste those sweet lips of hers again and so he pressed his lips against hers and it didn't take more than a second for her to open her mouth to let him explore the warm cavern.

Tatsuya was the first one to break the kiss to breath some air into her deprived lungs but much to Jin's annoyance she didn't go back to kissing him and just stood there with a mischievous smile on her beautiful lips. He tried to kiss her again but as she was pretty flexible she managed to keep him from getting to close to her.

But Jin had a plan B: The more she backed away from him the closer she got to the wall and the good thing was that she hadn't noticed it yet.

Suddenly she stood there, back against the wall and that beautiful man in front of her trying to steal her lips once again. He leaned in but she grabbed a hold of his hair that stopped him from moving his face any closer and she smirked when she saw the frustration on his face. Without a words she leaned closer and started kissing the corner of his mouth, Jin couldn't help but moan when the kisses turned into licking and soon he felt how his member started growing hard in his jeans. Tatsuya recognized the look in Jin's eyes and she realized that her treatment was giving results. She stopped licking and instead she started to kiss him again, hungry for her lips and tongue again Jin shoved his own tongue in her mouth and kissed her like there was no tomorrow.

Tatsuya's body had never felt hotter, it didn't matter who she was with. No one could make her hotter than Jin could with his tongue and the way he moved his hands all over her body.

Suddenly they heard someone call their names, they broke the kiss and turned around to find Yamapi looking at them with a smile.

“The guys went back to the room, you wanna come?” He yelled in order to be heard over the loud music and with a look at each other Jin and Tatsuya followed Pi back to the room where the guys were waiting. The stepped inside the room only to find Koki and Tegoshi arguing loudly.

“Seriously! Why won't you tell me what's wrong with Tat-chan?” Tegoshi whined in a high-pitched, childish voice.

“I told you already. It's because you don't need to know....” Koki explained in a annoyed voice. “And stop calling my Tat-chan Tat-chan.” Koki's face had changed into the I'm-gonna-kill-this-kid-soon face but that didn't seem to scare Tegoshi.

“Your Tat-chan?! Tat-chan belongs to News and she always will.” Tegoshi smirked, he had completely forgotten that he had started the argument not to tease Koki but to find out why Tatsuya had left work the other day.

“What did you just say, you little..... kid?!” Koki was so mad he couldn't find any worse word for this guy, he was so mad his eyes were pretty much on fire but not even that made Tegoshi back down from the discussion. In fact, it seemed to make him more determined to tease his supposed twin and so he decided to try a more “persuasive” approach.

“Ne, Kou-chan...” Tegoshi somehow managed to, no one knows how, throw his arms around Koki's neck and pressed their bodies close with that angelic look on his face. “Do you hate me?” He pouted slightly while bashing his eyelashes and Tatsuya was amazed to see that such a innocent-looking child could make Koki blush like that. Mostly because she knew that Koki was more into older guys.

“Huh?... Well, um...” Koki tried to make Tegoshi let go but failed miserably when he noticed that the latter just tightened his grip around him with a smile.

“Ne, Kou-chan.... If you don't hate me.... Do you like me?” Tegoshi definitely knew what he was doing if Koki's cheeks were supposed to be the judges. They had never been redder, not even that time when he was caught receiving a blowjob at school..... From their English-teacher.

“Well, I don't dislike you but.... Would you mind letting go?” Koki seemed to be a little uncomfortable knowing that those nice-looking, plump lips were only inches away from his and suddenly all the blood that had gathered in his head had quickly rushed down to his “other” head. Tegoshi, who smiled as he felt how the man in his arms grew harder, leaned in and whispered in his ear.

“I want you, Kou-chan, and I can feel very clearly that you want me too.”

The rest of them didn't hear what Tegoshi said but it must have been something very tempting because suddenly Koki's eyes got that drunken dizziness-look even though he hadn't been drinking any.

“Tegoshi, I think you should let go of Koki-kun before he faints from the loss of blood-circulation to his brain.” Yamapi laughed, he had understood from the very beginning that Tegoshi would be attracted to Koki. His kouhai may have looked like a cute angel but he was one hell of a promiscuous angel when he felt like it.

“Ne, Pi-chaaan. Do I have to?” He batted his eyelashes at his leader in an attempt to prolong his time with Koki but it didn't work.

“Yes, now get off.” Pi walked up and pried Tegoshi's arms away from Koki's neck and Koki had use all of his strength not to whimper at the loss of the warm body.

“Well, guys. Why don't you continue the pokergame now.” Tatsuya said with a serious face but you could clearly hear that she was trying to hide the chuckles that were forcing their way up her throat, and since no one dared to disagree with her they all sat down and started to play again but the atmosphere was a bit different from before.

“I'm sorry about that.” Pi said when they sat down on the couch again, this time with Jin next to Tatsuya.

“Don't worry about it, I think Koki rather enjoyed it.” Jin laughed and stuck his tongue out when Koki sent him a death-glare from where he sat next to Tegoshi.

“Tatsuya, are you okay?” He then asked in a worried voice when he realized that she was paler than usual.

Pi also started to worry about her when she just shook her head with a faint smile, she really didn't look healthy and he wondered if it really was good for her to be out with them if she was sick.

Without a word Tatsuya got up from the couch and quickly made her way out of the room with a hand covering her mouth. Pi looked questioning at Jin who motioned for him to come closer, he leaned closer and within a second he heard a low whisper in his ear.

“Tatsuya is pregnant.” Pi felt that his eyes grew bigger than they ever had before and his mouth was so open a bird could easily mistake it for a nest.

“What?” That was the only word he could say. He didn't know what he was supposed to do: Should he congratulate Jin?

Jin leaned in once again.

“Ryo is the father.” Suddenly things seemed to make sense in Pi's brain. That's why she had gone home from work that day and the reason for why she didn't want to talk about Ryo... He threw a look at Tegoshi who just placed a royal flush on the table while receiving whining and grunts from the other players.

“Does Ryo know?” Pi asked back.

“No....” Jin shook his head. “He doesn't and Tatsuya wants to keep it that way if you understand.”

Pi could definitely see why she didn't want Ryo to know after what he had done to her and he showed it by simply nodding his head.

The two fell silent while waiting for Tatsuya to come back but the silence was soon interrupted by a victory-scream from Tegoshi. He had won the whole thing and it appeared, from what both Pi and Jin could see, that the winner wanted his prize.

“Ne, Kou-chan.” Tegoshi turned to Koki with that angelic face and a pleading voice. “Could I have your number as my prize?” He licked his lips a little, it was very discrete but the look in his eyes were anything but innocent when he reached Koki his cellphone.

Koki swallowed a nervous lump in his throat before taking it and saved his number in the bright-purple cellphone. With slightly shaking fingers he gave the phone back to its owner who with a smile stood up and walked up to Tatsuya who had just come back looking like a living person again.

“I'll be going home now, Tat-chan, but please come back to work soon. We miss you very much.” He pouted slightly and Tatsuya ruffled his hair with a smile.

“I'll try to come back as soon as possible.” She smiled at him before he turned around to the rest of the guys.

“Well, I hope I'll see you again soon.” With that he waved at Tatsuya and Pi and left the room.

“Huh, suddenly the room turned rather quiet.” Kame said and leaned back on the chair where he was sitting.

But the newly-found silence didn't last many minutes as it was broken by the message-signal on Koki's phone. He opened it and looked at the screen for a few seconds before quickly standing up with a tense face.

“I'm just gonna.... um.... I'm heading home. Thanks for today.” And with that he rushed out of the room.

“Wonder who that was....” Junno looked at the now closed door as if it would tell him about who sent the message to Koki. Tatsuya on the other hand understood that her little “puppy” had received a message from Tegoshi Yuya, the cute idol who was well aware of the fact that he could even get straight men to turn gay within seconds if he wanted to.

After both Tegoshi and Koki had left the club the funniness-level never really got back on top so they decided that they would split up since it was already past midnight and both Kame, Maru and Pi had to get up early to go to work.

Jin and Tatsuya decided that they would walk back to mansion and at the same time drop follow the other guys home since they all lived along the way.

When they reached the big park not far from the mansion Tatsuya suddenly pulled Jin with her in to the big green area. They ran until they were out of breath and they had reached what Tatsuya had been looking for: A big pond where the moonlight was reflected on the mirror-like surface.

Tatsuya sat down next to it and Jin was not late in joining her.

The chilly wind rustled the reddish leaves on the trees when Tatsuya moved closer to Jin and leaned her head against his strong shoulder.

“Are you cold?” He asked in a soft voice and stroked her long hair.

“No. I'm just happy.” She snuggled into his chest and inhaled his scent. He smelt masculine and yet somehow sweet, she couldn't really explain it but the familiar scent made her feel safe and it filled her heart with warmth.

“Tatsuya...” He cupped her face in his hands and gazed into those beautiful eyes of hers. “I know I'm not perfect. I smoke and I drink. I gamble sometimes and I swear a lot. I don't hang out in the best crowds and I don't really know what I want to do with my life.... But the one thing I'm sure of is that I will never let you go again. I did that once and it's a mistake I will never make again....” He took a deep breath. “I love you, Ueda Tatsuya.... I love you more than life itself and I will never let you slip out of my grasp again. I'm not perfect and I probably never will be but I still need to ask you something. I know it may be sudden but I don't really care because this is what my heart truly feels....”

Tatsuya swallowed the lump in her throat, she wanted to throw herself around his neck but she hadn't even dared to breath in fear that she would distract him so she pushed that thought aside and let him continue.

“Tatsuya, would you do me the honor of staying with me until death do us apart?”

Tatsuya could hardly breath, she just wanted to cry out of pure happiness but instead she raised her hand to stroke Jin's where it still rested on her cheek and with a smile she nodded at him.

“Yes. I would love to.” She could feel the tears in her eyes but she didn't care. She just leaned in and kissed the stunned Akanishi Jin.

multichapter, pairing: tanaka koki/tegoshi yuya, pairing: nishikido ryo/ueda tatsuya, fanfics, rating: pg-13, pairing: akanishi jin/ueda tatsuya

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