Title: What am I to you? …. Chapter 5
Pairing: RyoDa, JinDa, TegoPi
Rating: PG-13 for some mild violence
Genre: Romance, drama, smut, fluff
Length: 3502 words
Disclaimer: I love JE-boys but unless I can get one of them for Christmas this year, I don't own any of them.
Summary: For a long time Tatsuya had a pretty decent life. She was from a fairly rich
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Comments 31
her hair!!her long hair that ryo loves so much~~ *sad*
maa..it can't be help,atleast she looks cuter with shorter hair ne..
ahhh..i really hope that tatsuya will learn boxing soon,she need to know how to protect her own self.and i really agreed with koki,he need to let tatsuya learn to handle things by her own.kyaaa!!koki just like a big brother to tatsuya ne.i hope he'll watch over tatsuya XD
damn ryo!he didn't do anything yet!and jin too!
ah,lovely updates!love it~
Desperate times call for desperate measures, ne?
Koki is the lovable big brother, ne? Just like I love him xD He has gotten so used to guarding her that he keeps doing it even though he doesn't have to/shouldn't.
Yes, Ryo remained silent in this chapter as well. Hopefully that will change in the next one ;)
I'm so happy that you like this!!!!!! Makes me so glad that I can meet your expectations <3
Thank you for liking, reading, commenting and for giving me the honor of writing this fic! *bows deeply*
Jin is so soooo coool. gosh i love that kid ♥
the scene were she got hurt was so sad, i was like :( poor tatsuyaaaa
i wonder what will happen if tego does go and tell ryo the truth OOOOOOHHH hahah
Oh well :P
Getting hurt is never good, but in the long run I think that it will be good for her. Just a guess on my part though but still ;)
If Tegonyan tells the truth... He'll be dead for sure, once Ryo eats enough to get his strength back :P
Apparently me and my drama was just my Post-Menstrual Swings :T hmph. >.< stupid period.
*babbling again~~*
boom. I see 3guys who are in love with Tatsuya.
there's Ryo, there's Ryuuta and there's Jin. TSK.
I wonder what Jin will do :/ he's starting to be a good guy. I guess he found his match ! tsktsk.
Poor tatchan !!! I dunno what I'll do if bitched cut my hair *___* I might do something ungirly-ish. *pfft as if fighting is something feminine XD*
I reaaaaaaally can't wait for the next one !! :)
Tegoshi what are you planning to do next *___*
and sakurs is a bitch, ok? ok. I mean i'd totally listen to my bestfriends side when something like this happens. I mean, She shouldn't allow a guy to break they're friendship!!! Guys aren't THAT importnt. >_>
*phew* now that thats all out,
make sure u post quickly ok ? 8D
love u lots Kissus <3333
Hehe, being a girl sucks sometimes, ne? :P
Yes, this was supposed to be a love triangle between Jinda and Ryoda but it seems I involved one more xD Oh well, life is never easy <3
Is it just me or is it easier to write Jin as a bad guy than as a good one? I hardely see him as a good guy anymore... Maybe it's because he seems so gloomy these days... :S
Yes, Tatsuya's long hair was kinda like a trophy, showing how beautiful she was and now it's gone. T_T Not her beauty but still...
sakura and Tegoshi would make a good couple, ne? Two evils are better than one xD
I'm really glad you like this and I really can't wait to FINISH the next chapter, can't wait to see your reactions xD
Love you too baby!!!!!!
I can't wait for the next one too! *o*
It's not that I don't like Tego or anything, it's just that the character he is in your fic makes me hate him :P
Ueda &hearts
I love Ryuuta! But I don't want him to get heartbroken ;__;
thanks! :D
Don't worry, whatever happens Ryuuta won't be too heartbroken. I promise <3
You're very welcome and I'm so sorry for not replying for so long, had a lot in school. Gomen! *bows*
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