[Drabble] 16 hour privacy

Jan 15, 2010 11:02

Title: 16 hour privacy.
Author: Ramadiii
Pairing: You/ Tanaka Koki
Genre: Fluff
Length: 232 words
Summary: A new Cartoon KAT-TUN-segment that the public had not expected.

Being a superbusy idol Koki never had the time for you and although you were often sad about it you tried not to make him feel bad about it.
But when Cartoon KAT-TUN starts a segment where the guys go on dates Koki unexpectedly chooses you to accompany him. A sixteen hour shoot is always tiring but somehow a smile still creeps onto his lips and stays there for the whole day as he presses your hand in his and walks next to you on the beach, watching the sun set at the red horizon.

And as the cameras close in behind you to catch your dark shadows against the sand Koki slowly presses a kiss against your cheek, your face adapts the same shade of red that the horizon is now carrying and shyly you look into his eyes where the warmth glows like it always does when he's with you.

When the show is aired the public's reactions are pretty much all the same, pure shock as to why the company would air such a realistic scene and even though you are a little worried that Koki might lose jobs because of this, your boyfriend couldn't care less.

Now the whole world can see that you are his and he is yours. Like the final two pieces of the puzzle of love, coming together at last with a perfect fit.

pairing: tanaka koki/oc, drabble, rating: g, fanfics

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