
Oct 10, 2009 00:06

Title: Soulmates
Fandom: DCU
Characters/Pairings: Vic Sage/The Question, extremely minor Vic/Myra, Vic/Helena
Prompt: Writer’s Block: Do you believe in the concept of a soulmate? Do you think you've met him or her? Do you ever worry that "the one" got away?   
Word Count: 877
Genre: Romance? Friendship? Introspection… IDEK
Rating: PG
Summary: Love and life and the evolution of an idea.
Warnings: Mentions of sex, raaaaaaaambly
Author's Notes: When I set out to do this, I hadn’t actually intended to write his life story. :| WTH, Vic? Also, Word doesn’t recognize soulmate. This makes me sad.

Her name is Myra, and he is young and stupid and loves her. He loves her with the kind of emotional intensity he hasn’t felt in decades. Because she is beautiful and aggressive and knows how to get what she wants. It also helps that the sex is fantastic.

She kisses him and, though he’ll never admit it, his breath catches. He feels like a school girl around her, which is maybe the reason he tries so hard to be what he thinks she needs. A steady, stable, male figure, a lover, husband, father. He doesn’t care.

Vic Sage might believe in soulmates, if it means he can have her.

But time passes, and time is never kind to that sort of love. He gets shot and she gets married and Hub City falls to pieces around them both. He leaves, she stays. It is the way of things, he tells himself, it is the only way it could have happened.

Her name is Jackie, and he is slightly less young and slightly less stupid and he loves her. But it’s an unfamiliar sort of love, familial. He’s never had love like that, growing up in an orphanage his whole life and left to fend for himself after that. It’s warm and perfect. He wonders if he loves her, or just the idea of a family. Somewhere along the road, he decides it’s both.

Vic Sage believes in soulmates, as much as he believes the sun will rise every morning.

But times passes, and time can be unkind to that sort of love. He murders a man for trying to hurt her, and she dies in a hospital bed with her mother watching over her. He doesn’t cry for her, but he gets close and her mother wraps her arms around him. He wonders if he could go back, but he knows he can’t. He’s pulling apart at the seams just being near her. He leaves, her mother stays. It is the way of things, he tells himself, but he wishes it could be different.

Her name is Helena and he isn’t young but he’s still stupid and he likes her. He’s hardly one to deny himself a fling, because sex is still nice every now and then, especially when she is so pretty and has so much potential. If he loves her at all it is in that teacher-student way and nothing more. He quickly discovers this is much easier to say then it is to practice.

Vic Sage doesn’t believe in soulmates, and he never will again.

And time passes, and it’s much less time then ever before. She takes revenge and he refuses to believe it for a moment. It’s true though, true as the police siren in the distance. He leaves, she stays. It is the way of things, he tells himself, and he blames himself every time she makes a mistake until he’s wondering what good Vic Sage is anymore if he can’t even save one pretty girl from herself.

Her name is Lois and he isn’t much of anything anymore. All he knows is he loves her desperately and he wants her to love him back. He’ll do anything for her to love him back.

The Question refuses to believe in soulmates.

But time passes and he comes to his senses. She doesn’t even know he exists and he’s getting tired of hearing the city speak to him. It only has morbid things to say and he is bone tired. He wakes up some nights coughing so hard he can barely stand. The blood in the sink tells him there’s something wrong. It is the way of things, he tells himself, if only to hear a familiar phrase repeated again and again when he finds out it’s malignant.

Her name is Renee and he isn’t old and he isn’t stupid and he thinks she has potential. Maybe he takes a small comfort in the fact that she’ll never love him like that, because then it boils down to that love he remembers from before. Familial love or maybe the love of a friend, which is even less familiar. All he knows is he wants her to succeed. He wants the last thing he does to be right.

Vic Sage still doesn’t believe in soulmates. Just good friends and good people, and that’s more then enough for him.

And time passes, the way it always has and always will. She starts to find herself and he accepts the fate that’s been given him. He tells her to accept it too and she doesn’t. She takes him to the mountain to save him and he has to smile at her effort. It’s a trick question, he tells her, touching her cheek and letting her know that he forgives her and he wants her to forgive herself. It’s not her fault. It never will be her fault and when he closes his eyes he knows she knows.

It’s time to change. Like a butterfly.

!fic, chara: vic sage, fandom: dcu

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