Semi-Obligatory Fandom Post

Jan 23, 2009 23:34

To be periodically updated...

Avatar: The Last Airbender
Favourite character: Sokka
Loved characters: Longshot, Aang, Toph, Bumi, Iroh
Favourite ships: SokkaToph, KataraAang, ZukoSokka
Threesomes: JetLongshotSmellerbee

Favourite character: Two Face (Harvey Dent)
Loved characters: Batman, Penguin, Catwoman, Riddler
Favourite ships: BruceSelina
Crack ships: Two FaceRiddler, Two FaceJoker, BatmanQuestion
Threesomes: BatmanTwo FaceJoker

Favourite character: Mistoffeles
Loved characters: Pouncival, Munkustrap, Jemmima, Etcetera, Mungojerrie, Rumpelteazer, Coricopat, Tantomile, Alonzo, Grizabella
Favourite ships: MistoElectra, MistoVicky, MungoRumpel, CoriTanti, DeutaGriza
Crack ships: PounciBomba
Threesomes: CoriTantiMisto, MungoRumpelMisto, SkimbleJennyJelly, MunkusBombaDeme

Dead Like Me
Favourite character: Rube
Loved characters: Betty, Mason, George
Favourite ships: MasonDaisy, MasonGeorge
Crack ships: RubeRoxy, RubeMason, RubeBetty
Threesomes: RubeMasonBetty

Favourite character: Krory
Loved characters: Alan, Road, Lavi, Komui
Favourite ships: KomuiReever, LaviLenalee, AlanLenalee, KroryMiranda
Crack ships: KroryAlan
Threesomes: AlanLaviLenalee, AlanLaviKrory, Li KeiShifuLo Hwa

Favourite character: Daisuke
Loved characters: Dark, Funabashi, Daiki
Favourite ships: DaiDark, FunaKeiji
Crack ships: FunaDai

Doctor Who/Torchwood
Favourite character: The Doctor
Loved characters: Donna, River, Romana, Brigadier, Jackson Lake, Ace, Jamie
Favourite ships: DoctorCompanion, JackRose, JackOwen, JackIanto
Crack ships: DoctorBartemius (from Harry Potter), SixRose, FourJack
Threesomes: FourHarrySarah, TenJackRose, NineJackRose, JackMickeyMartha

Dresden Files
Favourite character: Harry Dresden
Loved characters: Bob, Marcone, Michael, Ferro
Favourite ships: HarryMurphy, Ghost!BobHarry
Crack ships: ThomasBob
Threesomes: HarryMarconeMurphy, Ghost!BobHarryMurphy

Favourite character: Wash
Loved characters: Malcolm, Jayne, Book, Zoe
Favourite ships: WashZoe, KayleeSimon, KayleeJayne, MalJayne
Crack ships: BookInara
Threesomes: MalWashZoe

Fullmetal Alchemist (the manga)
Favourite character: Alphonse
Loved characters: Edward, Lin, Riza, Winry’s teacher, Olivier Mira Armstrong
Favourite ships: LinLan Fan, AlWinry, RoyRiza, RoyHughes
Crack ships: GreedLin (Grin)
Threesomes: OlivierBuccaneerMiles, AlWinryEd

Invader Zim
Favourite character: Zim
Loved characters: Dib, Gir, Tak, Red
Favourite ships: DibZim, DibTak, ZimTak, RedPurple
Crack ships: ZimGir
Threesomes: RedPurpleZim, DibZimTak

Legend of Zelda
Favourite character: Link
Loved characters: Midna, Malon, Sheik
Favourite ships: LinkSheik, LinkMidna, LinkMalon
Threesomes: LinkZeldaRutoSaria

Favourite character: Rock Lee
Loved characters: Naruto, Gaara, Neji, Hinata, Kiba, Shino, Jiraiya, Kakashi, Kirabi
Favourite ship(s): NaruHina, KakaIru, KakaGai, InoSaku, SakuLee, LeeNeji, LeeAnyone!
Crack ships: LeeCho, JiraNaru
Threesomes: LeeNejiTen, KibaShinoHina, ChoShikaIno, NaruSakuLee, OmoiSamuiKarui, LeeChoIno, KakaNaruSasuSaku, NaruLeeKibaShinoChoNejiShikaSasuTenInoSakuHina

Star Trek
Favourite character: Spock
Loved characters: Kirk, McCoy, Chekov, Data, Picard, Geordi, Doctor, Neelix, Tuvok, Janeway, Phlox, Trip, Archer, T’Pol
Favourite ships: KirkSpock, SpockMcCoy, RikerDianna, DoctorSeven, B’ElannaParis, ArcherT’Pol
Crack ships: SpockUhura, JanewayTuvok, VorikB’Elanna, PhloxT’Pol
Threesomes: KirkSpockMcCoy, PhloxTripT’Pol

Favourite character: Castiel
Loved characters: Dean, Alastair, Anna, Jimmy
Favourite ships: Dean/Cas
Crack ships: Jimmy/Dean, Alastair/Cas, Anna/Cas
Threesomes: Dean/Cas/Anna

Favourite character: Kurogane
Loved characters: Fai, Syaoran, Yukito, Sakura
Favourite ships: SakuSyao, KuroFai, YukiToya
Crack ships: SakuFai, KuroSyao, SyaoWat
Threesomes: KuroFaiSyao

Favourite character: Rorschach
Loved characters: Daniel, Laurie
Favourite ships: Rorschach/Daniel, Daniel/Laurie, Captain Metropolis/Hooded Justice, Joey/Girlfriend
Crack ships: Bernard/Bernie
Threesomes: Daniel/Rorschach/Laurie

Favourite character: Watanuki
Loved characters: Domeki, Zashiki Warashi, Yuuko, Haruka
Favourite ships: DomeWata, WataZashi, ClowYuu, WataGhostkid
Crack ships: SyaoWata, MokoMoko, HarukaSaku, HarukaWata
Threesomes: WataAmeZashi, DomeWataHima

X-Men (mostly the movies and Ultimate!verse)
Favourite character: Nightcrawler
Loved characters: Magneto, Xavier, Wolverine
Favourite ships: WolverineJean, ScottJean, XavierMagneto
Crack ships: NightcrawlerAngel, Ultimate!NightcrawlerUltimate!Colossus
Threesomes: WolverineScottJean


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