Title: Dying Alone I hate this title
Fandom: DCU
Characters/Pairings: The Question
Prompt: Looking through TV Tropes...
Word Count: 100
Genre: Angst
Rating: G
Summary: A moment in a journey
Warnings: Incredibly repetitive...
He remembers the first time he visited the cancer ward.
He remembers the horror that clutched at his throat.
He remembers pausing in one hallway, outside a cracked door, trying to breathe.
He remembers the broken sob and the old man in the bed and the darkness of the room.
He remembers the sound, “Please don’t leave me,” falling onto the air.
He remembers how clammy the hand was and the squeal of the heart monitor.
He remembers the nurse’s eyes when she raced in.
He doesn’t remember the man’s name. Somehow, that seems more a disservice then anything else.