May 14, 2008 10:43
*Alaska is a rather large state, and it's notorious for lacking a good road system. The best way to get anywhere, especially to the smaller towns isolated in the wilderness, is to hop in your nearest aircraft, be it a helicopter or single engine prop plane. Unfortunately, in some of those smaller towns, even aircraft don't come by but once a week, if that. Many stories are told of how entire towns mysteriously vanish in between visits, with not a single human left alive...
It seems that a few more towns have been added to that list, although no one will know it for another week, at least.
Plus a few moose may have gone missing, but nobody cares about moose.*
*This of course has absolutely nothing to do with a gray and red Sukhoi jet, which is currently checking out the scenery in North Dakota (what scenery?). He's totally not high-tailing it away from Minot Air Force Base and its flock of B-52H Stratofortress bombers. Totally.
Thank Primus they didn't seem to have noticed him, as there's no sudden increase of activity on the base. But even he doesn't feel like taking the chance of accidentally instigating a game of chicken with those things, hence why he decided to turn away. How was he supposed to know the squishies would put a military base in the middle of fragging nowhere?*