Oz Fic - Suffocating Summer Night (Car Crash)

Aug 07, 2007 04:57

Title: Suffocating Summer Night (Car Crash)
Author: Ralu
Written for: 10th Anniversary Flashfic
Prompt: 2. Time
Author's notes: should be read while listening to Tricky's Car Crash. This song's the only reason why I managed to write this.


He dreams. The air stays still, piling up one layer onto another, white stained sheets flowing across his face, like an invitation, a gateway. Just one second, sound colliding with image, morphing. A symphony of missing words and unspoken languages dripping on the tip of his tongue as he reaches out, reaches in, bodies twirling like cat tails, gently twisting inside each other.

I miss so much of what it used to be.
(You'll never miss it like I used to.)

He dreams so often these days.
The same dream, only this time's...different. He spreads his arms over the steering wheel, throws his head backwards, closes his eyes.

The car's running all by itself. All alive and pure and evil. Like a woman's body, little thrusts slipping on the side of his legs, rivers of blood coming together, it's so...so...

He runs the tips of his fingers over his forehead, down his cheekbones, caressing his lips, the jagged edge of his touch, burning his stomach like bourbon, mouth wet and hungry, needy like an animal, nipping and biting and ripping, fuck… It's so hot, so hot, so...hot. Like a summer storm, melting.

He wants it so bad. It hurts.

If I wake up now, if I open my eyes now...

Flashlights feathering across his eyelashes, broken glass between his legs and the breaks, the breaks...not working. Nothing's working.

(Who the fuck cares?)

The silence's deathening.

(I love you.)

I love you, I love you, I love you, IloveyouIloveyouIloveyouIloveyouIloveyou...

He slides down, down, down, inside, bone-deep...

I want it, I want it so...

...teeth scraping, arms spreading wide open, caressing the air, the whole world, whole fucking universe, breathing hard, harder, hardest. The night's breaking into pieces, glass all over his body.

(Let me in.)

Crushing. God is holding you in the hollow of his hand... Crushing.

(Who the fuck cares?)

Will they find me? Will they even try?
All twisted, all torn, all...whole.

He dreams of car crashes all the time. Twisted bodies and broken glass and voices...familiar voices. Whispering like the wind, all flushed out, all pushed in, all so intimate, so real.

I'm not here.
(You're everywhere.)

Chris climbs in as he lies on his back on the lower bunk, crawls over his body, ALL over his body like a spider, one touch at a time, all at once, bleeding like a gutted animal, between his legs, on the side of his mouth, down his throat like a disease, like God's blessing, so pure and alive and evil...as Toby waits...waits for that split second, that one moment of clarity and madness, his own car crash...so he can drown in it. Become pure. And be reborn.

Sure. He comes. Chris always knows how to deliver.
(Fuckin' bitch.)

The air smells like hot summer rain.
(Rotten corpses melting on the side of the road, buried deep inside...)

Inside my brain.
Inside yours.

(I never wanna stop dreaming.)
I always want it to stop.
And maybe...someday it will.

(And then what?)

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