
May 21, 2006 14:40

Pilfered from trancer and ariestess.

There are 31 aspects. Pick one, add some details, like show, pairing, prompt etc. and I'll write a ficlet in response.

If you've read the journal before you know what fandoms and pairings I'm into, if not a quick look at P&P should clear up any confusion *g*


1. Naughty Girl

2. ( Read more... )


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28 Kick-Arse Girl Part 2 ralst May 22 2006, 15:52:14 UTC

Olivia was getting annoyed, I could tell by the way her chest heaved and my eyes lost focus. Her little blonde must have the same Olivia-sense that I do because she's off her chair and hanging onto Olivia's arm before I even have a chance to answer.

"Sit down!"

They both look at me in shock but I don't have time to play nice.

"I said, sit down!"

I push against the blonde's shoulder, her stupid pink face suffused with outrage, as she tumbles back into the chair. A spluttered oath assaults my ears but I ignore it. The few people who turn our way soon turn back, our little squabble hardly compares to the other delights on offer. I haven't even drawn blood. Yet.


I've never seen Olivia look quite this confused.

I had a long speech prepaid, full of dazzling argument and irrefutable evidence, without giving away any secrets that she could use against me. A coward's speech. The lawyer's tool to get what they want without risk. I look at her, at this place and this woman at her side, and I realise that a coward will never fit into Olivia's life. I will never fit into her life unless I'm willing to take risks.

Her mouth is an inferno; hot, hungry and devouring without thought. My kiss returned before she even knows she's being kissed. It's not at all what I imagined. Realisation descends and suddenly she's pulling away, searching my face for a sign or reason. If I thought she was confused before she's totally lost now.

I can see my name forming on her lips but I don't wait for the pointless question.

"I'm taking you home."

Stubborn pride, thick and unwieldy, colours her cheeks.

"I am taking you home."

I can see the fight in her eyes but I know mine are answering fire with fire. Both of us waging a war that was won months ago.


It's at moments like this that I understand all those dumb blonde jokes. Can't she see we're in the middle of something important? Didn't my tongue down Olivia's throat clue her in to the way this evening is going to progress? I suppose I should feel sorry for her; in ten minutes she'll be all alone and I'll be divesting Olivia of her clothing, but I don't.

"We're leaving," I tell the blonde.


Olivia's confusion has given way to embarrassment and I can see she is about to try and placate the woman. I don't have time for niceties. I grab Olivia by the wrist and pull her towards the dance floor, the blonde hot on our trail, and a swath of revellers in my way.

An elbow here and a 'move it' there and I'm standing by the entrance, my hand still firmly attached to Olivia's wrist but without a blonde fool hanging on her coattails. As I try to leave it's Olivia who stops me, her stance firm and eyes unreadable.

I can feel my heart tripping over itself in an effort to outrun the rejection that is about to descend.

"My place. Not yours."

I don't have time to answer or smile or breath before she's dragging me out of the club and towards her home. God, I love it when she's butch.


Re: 28 Kick-Arse Girl Part 2 heyuwiththeface May 22 2006, 21:37:13 UTC
wow, that was awesome. I always wanted to read Alex as the more dominant one, just not necessarily with the whips and the chains. You really stayed true to the characters here, and for the record, you weren't rusty, and definitely did not need my help. This was totally amazing, and I hope to read more of what you write, or maybe write some for you, like we discussed in other comments!

thanks again!


Re: 28 Kick-Arse Girl Part 2 ralst May 23 2006, 07:51:29 UTC
Thanks. I don't really see Alex as the whips and chains type, but I can easily picture her being this assertive.


Re: 28 Kick-Arse Girl Part 2 mrswoman May 23 2006, 11:00:43 UTC
Jeez, I think I'm using this word a bit much (gonna have to think of a difficult prompt for you *g*) but that was a perfect Alex/Olivia fic... kick-arse (you are English, aren't you) Alex and then butch Olivia, wonderful :)

Hope you don't mind but I spotted this... I had a long speech prepaid, full of dazzling argument and irrefutable evidence... think prepaid should be prepared. Sorry!


Re: 28 Kick-Arse Girl Part 2 ralst May 23 2006, 11:07:14 UTC
Thanks for the catch - I'm doing these a little arse about face and sending them to be beta'd after they're posted (it's a patience - or lack there of - problem).


Re: 28 Kick-Arse Girl Part 2 purpleenigma May 28 2006, 06:05:26 UTC
that was great, alex being all jealous hahaha! i've missed reading ur funny and delightful alex/olivia fics, this was a nice surprise =)


Re: 28 Kick-Arse Girl Part 2 ralst May 28 2006, 12:28:14 UTC
Thanks. It was kind of odd writing them again but enjoyable, once I got into it.


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