Apr 22, 2006 01:48
Apologies for more wanting...
I've been sitting here trying to come up with some basic prompts/ideas to get me going on the anniversary stories I want to write but so far I'm a blank; which is ironic really, considering I can think of prompts for other people at the drop of a hat. So then I remembered the prompt begging I did a while back, which resulted in one Sara/Sofia fic from zennie's prompt and a detailed plot/plan of a Helen/Nikki fic I'm soon going to be writing from fewthistle's idea. (Also a very interesting SG-1 idea that needs researching)
So challenges wanted, and be as detailed or vague as you like, and post as many as you like - I'm just hoping one or two (okay four) of them will stick.
As I'm doing this for the Anniversary thingie the prompts need to have some connection (however tenuous) to either celebrations/birthdays/anniversaries/ceremonies/the number five/the site.
As for fandoms:
Birds of Prey
Bad Girls
Whatever, so long as you've a fair idea I know it
And I swear not to pester you all again with wanting for at least two posts ::grin::