Sep 11, 2004 10:14
If you've got plans for tonight, be sure you won't be footing the bill yourself. Your generosity is world-famous, but don't allow someone to take advantage of you. You've got better things to spend those hard-earned pesos on.
Rat Rat Ox Tiger Rabbit Dragon Snake Horse Goat Monkey Rooster Dog Pig
A relaxing atmosphere will reign in your home. Closely watch over your children's health; make sure their vaccinations are current. A project that you really have your heart set on will require a lot of efforts, but success is guaranteed. You'll live your love affairs as if you were on a roller coaster, but this won't be without its charm. Be careful of certain friends. During this day nothing is more harmful to you than pessimism; but if you're definitely optimistic and realistic, you can gain some nice successes on all fronts.
Those things are scary accurate sometimes. I think they give you a better perspective on whats going on around you too even if they are a bunch of bolagna. So how are things right now? I'm single living alone and workling all the time. Could definitly be worse I suspect. I should be getting a truck this weekend somehow or another. Maybe a car too who knows. There was some stuff in the paper about Littleton events. It seems like forever ago I used to be in plays there. I guess I could get back into doing that if I really want to have no free time. It was fun though, being in front of alot of people and acting. Too bad they are not big enough of a place to pay.
I've been having wierd dreams lately of people I haven't seen in so long. They all show up just as another one is leaving. Like old girlfriends, uncles, cousins even people from summer camps. I dont know if that is a good sign or not, but it doesn't worry me since I don't believe in.. well anything. The only thing I've ever believed in is myself and every now and then a girl.
....I catch an angel and cut off its wings..........Your beauty resonates and my mind shatters....
I think I will stop putting off getting a cell phone and go ahead and do that today too. There is nothing you can't get without a little bit of work. It's just going from everything to nothing and back again that burns. If I had someone else living with me I don't believe it would have taken this long. Scott is supposed to be moving in with me december though. He seems reliable enough to pay the bills when they come up too. He just started talkin to some new girl cause other one was cheating on him or something. I hope this one is hotter though lol.