Feb 26, 2004 04:46
a sphere inside of a square, 6 points touching
the sphere shows 6 sides
the world, the beast, god
6 major cities
the father, the son, the holy spirit
the lamb, the beast
he is here, the german translation of psalm 23 leads me to interpret what it says as more of "he will guide me against evil" rather then "i shall fear no evil". the way god seeks him is by those doing evil. when only he in the world is doing evil he can be struck down. miracles happen with disastors because so few people do evil the moments after, my utopia and ideally everyone else's. the friendly decades after a major war everyone feels banded together and content. there will be the second messiah if it goes well, he will give his life for us.
it goes back to you must come last in order to come first. if your generation fails when you fail in life, you die sabelagen(forever). you are destroyed if you put yourself first. the hall of souls will be empty if the holy spirit dies. if he dies, you fail, or the spirit runs out-you cease to exist. in other words, if we run out of souls before all is good in the world besides the beast, the Father will also die.
hell in german means light, like a light color
december is christmonat
symbol for jesus is something like XyX
imagine hell as the corners of the cube around the sphere, this would be the void, far corners of the earth. of course god loves him we are him, god loves yourself so then so should you. we are what builds him, this evil can be compared to a virus. people who appear evil are infected building blocks to his much larger structure. those will be cast aside until what is causing the infection can be removed, then see if anything which was taken out can be salvaged. to common day medicine the comparision puts dim hope on those who have danced with the devil to be saved. we need the cure. the scripture is our failing immune system.
puttin on an evil mask, if you are not evil yourself, is what blinds the lord to be able to see us, the mask obstructing the face built in his image. he cannot tell his creations from those that were created evil or the virus. this evil has so many tricks like this it still uses. it wants to end it all. it aches.
i think americans have a very week image of hell, there are not enough so bad things to scare them into fearing a greater power. they mistake in the thought they can get over religion however. its purpose is to hold countries, communities, and to stop wars in the first place. yes it causes wars and some unrest in those who dont excpet. but in this age we are extremely liberal to religious tolerance. why would we destroy something, like a strong diverse spiritual backround, that took so long and was such a miracle to create. here is what our politicians are saying "yes we protect your right to practice your religion, AND be undescriminated against". and what i see everyday is people who hate jesus and hate church and god. how can you hate something so much older then you that has been the source of struggle and finally triumph(for the US) that took thousands of years. that is so foolish, its ten times worse then even people not voting, or cheating on thier taxes. dont hate, respect.
the greedy simply collect all worldly possesions to be redistributed after judgement. the meek shall inherit the earth. today my world shook.