Feb 28, 2005 01:56
so i went to psu this weekend for a good time and it ended up being an awesome time! friday night got completly smashed off of molson xxx and i called people and said things i shouldnt have said haha but hey it happens... this is the last day of february and thats pretty cool that means that spring break is 3 days away and 2 more months of classes! adam mathias introduced me to tucker max and even though i havent personally met him, hes prob. the coolest guy ever besides tommy irwin go to www.tuckermax.com and its hilarious... so the beard is still going strong even though we have been out of the playoffs for a week i figure keep it until spring break just to see how long it gets but today i realized once again that hockey and football are the 2 most dominant sports known to man... upj beat iup in the che championships and neil caldwell won mvp which fires me up because i owned him in high school, no seriously i did everytime we played bg my junior year i scored on him so yea haha and he says funny things like heyyyyyyyyy bowwwwwwwmannnnn i guess u had to be there, damon peoples does a lot of funny things like get into a holy war with his mom and do mission impossible missions with me, but yea once again another weekend gone, successful but then again there still is that empty space which could be resolved with a simple im sorry and then ok lets try this in that specific order and my plan to become dictator of the free world has yet to come well im going to bed cause i have to get up by 3 in the afternoon ha so, laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaattttterrrr