... on a champagne high ...

Dec 14, 2004 20:59

so, time for another update before i get to the dishes.

christmas is coming up and there is a very real possibility that i'm not going to be able to see my mom or family. that really sucks in my opinion. jordan is being greedy and using up all the money that mom is earning. dad is on leave from the army because they had to do some surgery on his jaw. and jordan works at hollister where they won't give her hours. yeah. i really wanted to see my mom. now i'm going to have all this time off for nothing. it will be nice to get a vacation from work though. being on my feet 6-8 hours, 5 days a week kinda sucks. mom might be able to visit me durning january though. i would love that so much.

matt's downstairs studying for his last exam. he has calc 3 tomorrow then he'll be done. he's been really stressed out lately and i worry about him. it will all be oer tomorrow though. my bithday is tomorrow too. we're going to campus to see his friends and maybe go to deny's for dessert. these girls love deny's like we did. they were very into high school and miss it tons. they have mock proms all the time and have a lot of school spirit. sam has a doctors appointment on thursday morning. my day off and we have to have the baby at the doctors at 9.30 in the morning. yuck. but, we need to get rid of his cold. right now, he's playing with the cap thing from an orange juice container. he's so adorable and matt loves him more than i do. it's funny. oh, you guys don't know. i have a new kitten. his name is sam. he's a black and white tabby cat. well, mostly black but a white triangle going form his nose to his tummy and white paws. he has a lot of energy, but sleeps right through the night at the bottom of the bed. he's quite the explorer and loves to write on the computer. his favoritething to do though is to take baths in the toilet. whenever we forget to put the seat down we'll find him in there splashing around. what a droopy drawers.

so maine is pretty in winter. very bitter cold though. the accent of these people makes me feel stupid. the grammer as well. i mean, i don't have perfect english, but switching dosn't for don't, that just sounds hick. that's ok though cause you either live in a trailer park, apartment the quality of one or are rich and only visit in the winter. that's an exageration, but seems almost 70% true. it's nice all the same though. my friends at work are really nice and so funny.felicia especially cause all day we make everything a your mom joke and it never gets old. (she's our lesbian grill cook by the way. my age.) "felicia, i need a tuna sandwich." "your mom tastes like a tuna sandwich" "shut up" "your mom never shuts up. she's quite the screamer" "yeah well your moms so loud, you gag ball her and she still sounds like a horse in heat" "oooooooo". needless to say, work is good.

well, like i said in the beginning, i have dishes to do. this was only a minor update as to let you all know that i'm not dead and that i'm watching you all through your livejournals and i miss you. have a merry christmas guys. i love you.

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