... good day sir ...

Dec 14, 2003 16:47

k, so i just watched high fidelity for possibly the 5th time ever. while john cusack is the greatest actor of all time in my opinion, jack black is stellar in this movie. for some reason i've tricked my mind into thinking that i don't like this movie. mom loves it so she watches it. i end up going in and remembering that i do infact like the movie and more so than a lot of other movies in my favorite list. when jack black sings at the end, oh my gosh, i die. he's way too funny.

today i've been listening to the 3 doors down cd "away from the sun" and i forgot how much i loved IT as well! so much energy when i listen to it. i'm ready to like get up and dance around the house. adam and i heard one of the songs last night on the radio and he wanted the song, which made me get the cd out. then i was like, oh yeah, i like that song too, oo, and that one. it's great. this guys voice makes me melt more then david bowie. the song i'm listening to now, going down in flames, i've been listening to for the past 10 minutes and i don't really think it's all the words that i like. cause i only like a certain portion of them at the moment. i think it's the music. just the genius behind the voice. it's great. i can't even tell you how into this i am.

i went over adam's paper with him cause i'm a dork and enjoy that sort of thing. i did some online high school work and went over my english paper due at the end of the week. this is totally a shotgun paper, and i'm so not as proud of it as i could be, but given a month of good work time on it, i think i did pretty well.

this week is my last week of school before vacation. FINALLY! why did it feel like the month between last vacation and this one came slower than the first one at all? who knows, but it's finally here. my birthday is on monday. 18 already. yikes, can't believe i did it. and not too shabby if you ask me. i have to stay after school for 2 hours on my birthday though. concert practice. cause we have to dance and run the numbers and stuff. and it's hard for my teacher cause her brother was killed in iraq last week and she just got back from the funeral today. so yeah, that should be fun. and while i like my dance partner and all, i mean, he's nice, funny and fun and stuff, we just can't do it. haha. we are having such a hard time with our swing dancing. haha. we'll be ok though. the tuesday i have my concert, which i'm wicked nervous about cause i'm dancing on stage. i never mind being onstage, infact i love it (ya know, the attention), but i have a solo and i have to dance. i'm so afraid i'll mess up. but i'll forget all about that and try to have fun. it should be ok. wednesday i have a chapter test i think in math. i'm not sure. then friday i have to turn in my term paper. that's sort of nerve racking, but then it will be out of my way for the holidays. this week will be hecktick, but will go by fast.

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