Well, we all didn’t believe her when she said she rejected his advances. And now, it seems we were tight not to for according to several reports, she has admitted to having gotten very intimate with Ralph, not only on the plane but also in a hotel in India.
http://www.contactmusic.com/news.nsf/article/fiennes%20flight%20attendant%20admits%20toilet%20tryst_1022344 http://www.dailymail.co.uk/pages/live/articles/showbiz/showbiznews.html?in_article_id=436499&in_page_id=1766&ito=1490 http://www.thisislondon.co.uk/showbiz/article-23385723-details/Exclusive:%20'How%20I%20led%20Ralph%20Fiennes%20astray%20at%2035,000ft'/article.do
I also read in the Daily Mirror but I cant get a link to that.
The Mirror report states that the incident happens “days after he was dumped” so whether the previous entry about Sirin dumping Ralph is true or no….well I don’t know. I wont dispute the earlier entry at all for any report could be right or wrong.
I don’t know whether I should laugh but the report I read stated they had unprotected sex and that this was ironic as Ralph was in India to promote safe sex as part of the HIV and AIDS program. Im shamed to say that I found this ironically funny and I couldn’t stop giggling. I know. I’m weird lol
Now, these reports can get out of control and it could be made, just like the report about Liam Neeson bashing Madonna adopting a young baby even though his father was still alive. That was blown out of proportion and later reports stated Mr Neeson was upset so in the meantime, let’s keep an open mind, shall we?
Blessed Be!