OMG! The big day is finally here. We find out officially if SPN is renewed for a 3rd season, plus we get the big season two finale! To say I'm excited about the day/evening would be an understatement. The excitement's just going to build throughout the day and I know I'm going to be a quivering, nervous wreck by 9:00 tonight. And I will resist the urge to read people's comments about the episode. Sometimes it just sucks so bad living on the west coast.
Btw, who's brilliant (not!) idea was it to put a special about Lost on at 10 p.m. tonight? I've gotta go from the emotional season finale of SPN straight to Lost??? I'd record the Lost special, but I get lousy reception on ABC. They're supposed to give a lot of info. about what's yet to come in the last few episodes. *Sigh* Couldn't they have picked another night?
Anyway, back to SPN. *Squeeeeeeeeeeeeee* I spent a few hours yesterday afternoon at the college computer lab downloading everything I could get my grabby little hands on concerning Jensen at the Asylum Con. Got lots of great videos and mp3s as well as a ton of photos (for my own personal drooling). Thank God for that great "Save as..." feature where you can save a whole webpage and its photos in one quick go. Saved me a lot of time. Can't wait to look and listen to more of it later on, while I'm waiting for 9 o'clock to roll around, lol.
Had to include a little photo from tonight's eppy. I don't think it's overly spoilerish. I mean, it really gives nothing away except that Dean's distraught with grief (duh!). I can't wait to see what Jensen does in this episode. Should be another stand out performance. And how awesome is it that he's on the list of nominees for an Emmy for this episode? I'm so proud of him. The guy really deserves it. He's consistantly giving top-notch performances every week. Aaarrrrgggghhh! Oh man, he's gonna cry tonight and then I'm gonna cry. I just know it! I was nearly in tears from the last scene in part one. Everytime I watch that scene or hear my audio file of it, or even look at the caps I nearly lose it. I can't wait to see what happens tonight. I'm somewhat spoiled, but the spoilers really haven't given very much away and for that I'm greatful. I want to be surprised. I'm confident Kripke's going to give us a great show. If he just answers a few more questions I think I'll be happy. Like about the burned Roadhouse and Ash.
I could go on and on here. But I won't. Now it's just time to keep busy, post my Thursday picspam (like anyone's going to be checking that out today - ha!), and get ready for tonight's big show. I've even got a small package of Peanut M&M's all ready to snack on during the hour. Dean would so approve!