Time to get going on the final posts for my S1 caps.
Keep in mind that these caps come from film footage that wasn't finished or color-corrected. I've done the best I can and shrunk them down a bit to help hide the flaws. Hope you enjoy them anyway.
Note: To view the other S1 caps in this series use my SPN S1 Screencaps tag.
22 selected caps are below in clickable thumbnails. All 108 caps are also in 1 zipped folder at MediaFire.
Edit: (Wed. Jan. 14th 5:34 a.m.) Just a heads-up....MediaFire has been doing some maintenance overnight and currently the zipped folder download is unavailable. Keep checking back - it should return in a few hours. The file is available now.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * No Hotlinking! * All caps made by me & fixed for quality. * Credit me, raloria, please when taking/using. * Comments are always appreciated. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~