
Oct 18, 2023 18:59

Yes. After letting it go for far too long, I'll be capping Jensen's character of Soldier Boy from The Boys.

Didn't mean to give everyone this long of a wait, but...RL has been taking over. *sigh*
At first I thought I wasn't even going to be able to cap the Season 3 episodes. Couldn't find them anywhere! But thankfully, during my second search I found some useable files.

Now, while the quality of the files is fairly good - they're terrible for any action scenes. Which is probably just as well since action/fight scenes rarely yield good caps even from the highest quality video.

I'll be posting these caps by episode over at my Capping Site: paradisi_pictura.

And yes, I know Soldier Boy is returning for the new series (spin-off? whatever it is...).
First things first...

adventures in screencapping, news, dreamwidth, random cap, tv: the boys

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