The Friday Five....err Saturday Five?

Nov 26, 2022 06:55

Quick & easy. Let's do it!

1. What is your favorite vegetable? I've never been one to love vegetables much. I eat them mostly because I know I should. :P But my favorite is probably tomatoes. And don't give me that junk about it being a fruit! It's a vegetable! Second place would be carrots or cucumber.

2. What is your favorite fruit? I like fruit a lot more than veggies. LOL
Strawberries, raspberries, grapes, apples, oranges.

3. What is your favorite cheese? Mmmm....I love cheese. Cheddar (sharp or mild), American, Parmesan.

4. What is your favorite dessert? Basically anything that's chocolate!

5. What is your favorite beverage? Ice water. I have simple tastes.

meme, fun stuff

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