No more LJ???

Mar 08, 2022 23:40

Well, the news just keeps getting better and better tonight! *sigh*

I wondered if LJ was going to be in danger and now it really might be. I've been here so long, have so MANY entries...there's no way it can all be backed up in any way. This is terrible!

I've had a Dreamwidth account for many years, but haven't used it since 2013. Guess that'll change now.

I'm raloria on Dreamwidth, too.

Here's where else you can find me:

Tumblr **:

** Again, haven't used Tumblr in years...which might change if LJ does disappear.

And here I am in the middle of the Final SPN Name That Cap Challenge! Guess I'd better back that up over on the Dreamwidth account, just in case. Then there's my LJ communities... Crap! How do I save it all??? And in 3 days???

Edit: Just set up the import to my Dreamwidth. I figured the sooner it started the better, since it might take a few days.

Edit: Useful links I found...
How to Sync Your LiveJournal to DW...
Backing Up Your LJ Data

news, instagram, dreamwidth, tumblr, livejournal, twitter

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