SPN Filming 11x05: Picspam 6 of 7

Oct 24, 2015 05:18

** SPOILERS ** Don't open this post if you don't want to know.
Within are photos I took out on location the day after VanCon 2015 of the production filming 11x05, which will air on November 4th.

No hotlinking // Don't remove my watermark // Please credit me, raloria when re-posting/using/sharing // Comments are LOVE! ♥

More of the break between filming different angles of the scene. Jensen gets a coffee and chats with the guest star.

NOTE: I will provide a zipped folder download of all my photos in the last post.

// Click on the large thumbnails to see the larger original photos //

Getting ready to start filming again. Btw, that's the director, Rashaad Ernesto Green with the headphones on.

Jensen came back from his little break, coffee in hand. ;)

He's just chatting with the actor in the backseat here.

Oh, yeah! Close-up!

Drink that coffee.

Make-up time.

Chatting with the crew, of course.

So serious all of a sudden.

Getting that hair perfect.

Crew are getting in the way, but I'm not letting that stop me!

Totally focused on Jensen...whether I can see him completely or not.

Jensen Ackles...aka Mr. Cool.

Yes! A slate!!! I love slates!!!! *geeks out* :P Scene 34G, Take 1.

Jensen getting back in the car so they can start filming again.

vancon 2015, actors: jensen ackles, episodes, actors: jared padalecki, picspam, spoilers, supernatural

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