Fade In, Fade Out: SPN's Beginnings & Endings - 2x01 & 2x02 Supplements

Sep 28, 2015 04:39

Finally getting back to these posts while I regroup & prepare more VanCon photos. So let's have another look at Season 2, shall we?

What are these supplements, you ask? Well, I realized when I was getting S3 caps for these posts that most of the time in the teasers we never see the Boys. And we've gotta have our Boys, right? *g* So I went back through Seasons 1 & 2 and grabbed caps of the first times we see Sam and/or Dean in each episode. :)

If you miss any posts just use the SPN Beginnings & Endings Tag.

:: Click on images for the HQ versions ::

2x01 "In My Time Of Dying" Supplement: Our broken and bloody Winchester men in the busted Impala.

2x02 "Everybody Loves A Clown" Supplement: The 1st hunter's funeral pyre that we see as the boys say goodbye to their father. :(

spn beginnings & endings, episodes, picspam, supernatural

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