Remember in my post the other day where I said I'd lost my watercolor & acrylic paints?
I found them!!!! \0/
Oh! It feels so good to be able to paint again, get gesso on my fingers, to let the creative juices flow! I know it doesn't look like much, but I gessoed and then painted 2 index cards using an old credit card.
This Tweeted pic doesn't show the colors too well. The one on the left is actually more of a rose/pink color.
Btw, ICAD is for Index Card A Day, which I've been trying to do this month, but I've fallen behind. Bah. Been trying to catch up though and having all my supplies available again will definitely help. ;)
Getting late so I need to quit already but I got these 2 cards painted!
#ICADcandidates #CreatedWithCameraMX Valerie (@Valerie613)
September 25, 2013