The 2009 Annual Fic Round-up Post

Feb 06, 2010 14:48

A full month late, but what the hell. What I Wrote In 2009 (a.k.a. Year of the Pr0n):

Guilty Gear
Visitor Etiquette [ NC-17, 3870 words ]
There are many more pleasant reasons why Sol might have found himself waking up in Ky's bed than this one.

Casualties of War [ NC-17, 5100 words ]
Communication has never been one of Sol’s better talents, but ‘complicating Ky’s life’ probably ranks somewhere on the list.

Normal Continuity Will Be Restored Shortly [ G, 100-word Drabble ]

The Lost Boys [ PG, Actually not Sol/Ky fic!, 3200 words ]
Order Commander Sol, Jellyfish Captain May, and the harsher realities of a world without much left to lose.

Sign of the Cross (aka, the Gratiutous Vampire AU | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 [ NC-17, AU, 16000 words ]
Gears or vampires, it's all just another day's work for the Holy Order. But they never do quite manage to screen some of their more unusual recruits as carefully as they ought to either.

Skin and Bone (Prologue) [ PG, 1200 ]
Ky's about to find out just how deceptively human Gears can be.

Five More Years (1/?) [ R, 2990 words ]
Guilty Gear: The Missing Link didn't tell us much about Sol and Ky's reunion. This wasn't because there was nothing much to tell.

The Third Degree of Denial [ PG, Overture/Pants-onna-stick!Verse, 2030 words ]
Ky's trying to be helpful. Sol isn't. From an outsider's point of view, sometimes it's hard to tell the difference.

The World Ends With You
The Opposite of Death | 2 | 3 [ G, mild Shiki/Eri and Neku/Joshua, 8460 ]
So you die, and then you get over it and get on with your life. Neku and friends get their first chance to trade notes on some of the stranger side-effects to come with being alive again.

Cable & Deadpool
Unsinkable [ PG, 390 words ]
An alternate take on the goodbye scene from issue 42.

Let Slip the Dogs of War [ NC-17, 26800 words ]
War wasn't telling the whole truth about what happened to the Deadpool of his universe.

&^@* this $#!% [ PG, 2120 words ]
Deadpool takes it on himself to 'fix' the current Marvel status quo. With extreme prejudice.

Good Intentions (1/?) [ NC-17, 6020 words ]
Deadpool thought killing that 'Nathan' guy was going to be a fairly routine job. He couldn't have been more wrong.

(+ one other thing hidden in the depths of the kink meme, which will eventually link up with something else I'm writing)

The total word count in all that is only around 83,000 - slightly down from last year and well below my record. A good chunk of time did go into editing (and re-editing) that 90,000 word monster affectionately known as Ghost Stories though, so the 'stuff I totes worked on but don't have anything new to show for it yet'-factor is even larger than usual. The most notable feature of the year would be the posting of my first ever fic requiring more than an 'R'-rating - and my second, and my third, and... well, they seem to have gone down well with people, and that's the important thing. *cough* Biggest surprise would be all the C&DP fic on that list - read the first couple of comics ages ago without getting into them, seriously *did not expect* I'd ever get a handle on writing for Deadpool even after I did fall hard for the series, then went on to get bitten by a couple of those ideas that would not let go - and in retrospect I am very glad they didn't becuase I've had a terrific time writing them. :3 Otherwise, well, crossed off a decent number of items from last year's WIP list, added a bunch more - y'know, the usual.

Currently In Progress (being the short list of things that have been worked on recently and have real odds of being posted relatively soon) :

Good Intentions, Part 2 (Cable & Deadpool)
I feel I owe a small apology to anyone waiting for this. It's been mostly-done since mid-December, but editing it into shape is taking more work than I counted on (not counting other distractions). Getting there, but still a fair bit of work to go yet.

The Unnamed Time Travel Fic (Guilty Gear)
Expansion of this drabble due to popular demand (mostly velithya's, but she is quite capable of filling out a very large demand quota with very little assistence). Currently about mid-way through part 1, which puts me just up to the first tricky action scene and dithering a lot about how much culture shock to be giving my poor protagonist. Also getting there, but still needing a lot more work before I'll have much to show for it.

The Telling Of One Billion Ghost Stories (revised version) (xxxHOLiC/Tsubasa)
...a year and a half since I completed the draft, and it's still not done. *grovels* I know they say it's a good idea to leave your draft in a drawer for a couple of months before you do the final edits so you can look at it with fresh eyes (and I did need that break from it), but getting the momentum back afterwards did not go so well. Most of the trouble's been with the beginning, which I eventually had to admit worked much better as the standalone snippet it was originally meant to be than the start of longer story, and the messy job of working some of my early plot notes into the narrative. The good news is I finally have a beta-reader (hi imbrii!), and though neither of us are exactly making lightning progress, progress is being made, and I am determined to get this done this year. If I want to be able to go on pointing to it as evidence I can write novel-length fiction, it needs to be finished-finished, not mostly-finished and then abandoned at final-draft stage.

Untitled Cable/Deadpool fic (document provisionally titled 'Beer')
Started months ago, got bogged down in the middle, still picking at it now and then when I'm in the mood. Didn't want to post it too close to the first part of Good Intentions anyway, as it's a bit similarly themed, which is to say it's set before Cable&Deadpool proper and will need an NC-17 rating, and that is everything I think I am going to say about it just now.

Dumb Cable/Deadpool Amnesia Ficlet
That I have not technically started, but it's been kicking around in my brain for a few days and may yet wind up getting hammered out in an hour or two for light relief at some point.

Other Stuff
FTR, yes, still planning to continue both Skin and Bone and Five More Years, though velithya may lynch me if I look at them before time travel probably not before Time Travel is done.

things that are velithya's fault, annual fic round up posts, guilty gear, cable&deadpool, twewy, xxxholic

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