The Gratuitous Vampire AU - Part 5

Sep 10, 2009 20:51

Finally done! (Sorry for the wait - my beta reader's had to deal with a seriously uncooperative couple of weeks) Total word count now comes to 16,000 words, which I am embarrassed to admit makes this truly gratuitous AU the single longest fic I've yet finished in this fandom (even Chain of Command barely made 12,000). clearly this only means I need ( Read more... )

fic, guilty gear

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yhibiki September 11 2009, 16:02:55 UTC
Um, a reference to Buffy in the first chapter, a reference to Tru Blood & Anne Rice in the second one, and... after that it gets a bit more blurry. One of the lines of dialogue struck me as Twilight-esque, but not having read the books (I don't have the stomach for it :X) I wasn't sure. I mean, there's also Vampire Hunter D, who is a vampire who hunts vampires as far as I can remember, or the whole "one queen who made them all" reminds me of Queen of the Damned...

I also wondered if Sol's "true form" was a reference to a different series. Now that I think about it, didn't that one anime have really freaky vampires.... oh, Blood the Last Vampire.

... which I guess is more than three or four, but I wasn't sure if some of it was just similarities in vampire fiction anyway.

I think I didn't notice Sol's vamp-ness the first time around because I wasn't paying enough attention? Hahah I always find that my first read-through of something I've somehow missed a million little details. (Was real fun back in high school, when we were reading "The Sun Also Rises" and everybody mentioned the narrator's lack of a certain vital part of his anatomy, and I had NOOOO idea where they got that from. Reading comprehension FAIL OTL)


rallamajoop September 16 2009, 08:01:35 UTC
*glances up and down comments* Well, since it looks like you're the only one playing (and it does sound like you caught most of the refs), would you like to throw a request prompt at me? ;) Preferably something I can turn into a few hundred word ficlet, can be based in this 'verse or wherever else you like.

I've never seen Vampire Hunter D, but the vampire-hunting-vampires is such a common trope I didn't even really count it as a specific reference. Sol's 'true form' comes from the cover art on the 2000-2004 artbook - though his wings are probably meant to be more reptilian than bat-like and he's supposed to have a tail too. A vampire sprouting batwings was me reaching a bit - it's far more common for them to transform into bats outright with no intermediate form, but I've seen it once or twice (though I don't know if I could tell you where).

The Twilight reference was actually the 'Isabelle' mentioned in the first chapter (rather silly teenaged girl with a name related to Isabella/Bella, dating some guy who climbs in through her window and probably isn't a real vampire despite suspicions - sound familiar? ;) Shame no-one seems to have caught it. ^^;

(Was real fun back in high school, when we were reading "The Sun Also Rises" and everybody mentioned the narrator's lack of a certain vital part of his anatomy, and I had NOOOO idea where they got that from. Reading comprehension FAIL OTL)

We had a similar moment in my English class once regarding a scene in a rather dreary novel called 'A Fringe of Leaves' where the author spent what most of us only later realised was a sex scene talking about a passing hedgehog (so not making this up). So, sometimes it's you, but other times the writing really is that ambiguous.


yhibiki September 18 2009, 00:39:33 UTC
Hurray, I win by default!

I... don't know why I didn't catch the Twilight thing. :X That shoulda been obvious enough.

OKAY DRABBLE PROMPT. Umm.... Your Overture AU verse, if that's okay? :3 Ky trying to actually HELP somebody, while Sol is "flirting" with him and Sin is... destroying something? gagging at his parents gross-ness?

Of course, anything that's Sol/Ky will make me happy. More vampire!Sol/Ky is okay in my book too XD I actually really like vampires when they aren't being melodramatic. (... which is like ALL the time but anyway)


rallamajoop September 20 2009, 13:42:22 UTC
Right, prompt is noted - will get on to it next chance I get. ;) (Probably after I finish the C&DP multi-parter I'm now mostly done with.)


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