How To Stop For Petrol With Mum In Nine Easy Steps

May 12, 2005 11:23

Step 1. Inform Mum that the car is a little low on petrol, and suggest that it might be a good idea to pick some up on our way out.

Step 2. Get in car (Mum driving), set off in direction of nearest petrol station. While doing this, discus possibility that, given the time, said petrol station may be closed.

Step 3. Reach station #1. Dither over whether we’re really that low on petrol after all. Continue to dither over whether partially lit station is open, despite presence of a visible staff member. Drive on, conclusion unreached, petrol tank unfilled.

Step 4. Discuss new theory forwarded by Mum that, on second thoughts, there might not be as much petrol in the car as she thought there was. Discuss shonkiness of fuel gauge and, while we’re at it, of the whole damn car we’re driving. While doing this, drive past petrol station #2 without stopping.

Step 5. Pull into petrol station #3, Mum having decided we do need to stop for petrol after all, and stop by pump.

Step 6. Remind Mum that there is no logical reason why I would have money on me at this junction. Assemble petrol money in the form of a pile of loose change.

Step 7. Realise that pump features ‘Out of order’ sign. Discuss possibility that ‘Out of order’ means ‘This station is closed’. Convince Mum that the answer is, in fact, No.

Step 8. Locate pump which is actually working, fill car with petrol.

Step 9. Leave petrol station #3, accepting the fact you’re going to be running a tad late.

At least we weren't in a rush. o_o

Also: skating comp on this weekend, program actually available online this time for those who were interested. Um, I’d sort of recommend people avoid my second event though - the routine for which is something of a last minute job (read: finished this morning), leaving how well it’ll run on the day under some doubt. ^^; Hopefully this’ll all be in better working order by the states - still a comfortable couple of months away yet.
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