Guilty Gear doujinshi/fanart/etc

Aug 19, 2008 17:19

General question for the GG side of the f-list, is anyone still planning anything for the Hope/Free doujinshi project that was being talked about earlier this year? It's been a good while since there's been any news on it, including news from my own end - but I'm working on that.

Remember this crack doujinshi idea I posted about way back in February? After leaving it pushed to the back of my mind for the last five months solid, it finally got brought up again in a chat conversation, mulled over for a day or so and then hammered out into a 12 page doujinshi script pretty much all in one stretch. This chewed up just about all fic writing time I had planned for that week, but I still get to feel productive over this one. ^_^ (Damn, but it's nice having Ghost Stories done so I can finally work on other stuff without that nagging sense of guilt again.)

Better still, an artist from our manga club (one responsible for art like this, for referece) sounds keen on drawing it up for me. We probably won't be able to get started on it properly any time too soon, since official club doujinshi projects take priority right now, but it's still sounding very promising. But she has also raised the very fair question about what we're going to do with it once it's done, hence the question that started this post.

I have also wasted a slightly worrying amount of my last week on a massive Japanese fanart binge. It wasn't that long ago I only had a couple of sites bookmarked as being worth checking back on for updates and was loudly bemoaning how many had shut down lately. Now suddenly that bookmark folder has more than thirty entries, my saved fanart folder has well and truly broken 200 MB, and I'm still sort of wondering where they all came from (well, aphelion_orion's recommendation, in a lot of cases <3). XD Of course, this is not in any way a bad thing. There is some wonderfully inspiring stuff in this list. =D

So either a lot of new Guilty Gear fanart sites have started up this year, or there were a lot out there all along which I just wasn't aware of. Probably some of both (can't quite be bothered going back through all the links to check how far back some of the sites go). Regardless, it's good to know that most of my fears that Overture's WTF-ery would put everyone off seem to have come to nothing - quite the reverse, if anything. I could still so very do without this emerging Ky/Sin fandom I keep running into though. I'm all for weird pairings in principle, but there's a line, and this just pole-vaults clean over and runs for it.

Should really start compiling this list into something that could be turned into/added to a fanart recs post, but for better or worse, it's likely to get a bit epic this time around.

guilty gear

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