Farewell to Tokyo Tower!

Mar 13, 2005 13:57

A fact of which some of you may not be aware: I have this awful habit of putting up with frustrations instead of putting in the effort required to find and fix the problem. This goes even to the point where the total effort made putting up with said frustration has far exceeded that required to just deal with it in some permanent manner. Tokyo Tower - being my computer, so named for it’s fantastic ability to attract regular disasters (or more to the point, freezing or bringing up the Blue Screen of Death every five minutes or so) - has long been prime example number one.

No, really. This has been going on for a ridiculously long time. Things have been tried in that period, but none of them have really dealt with the basic problem: ie, that I’m working with a machine that is quite simply much too old for the stuff I’m trying to do with it. Up until Saturday, anyhow.

As of Saturday, Tokyo Tower has been gutted and rebuilt using components which don’t come from an era when memory in the double figures of megabytes was considered to be plenty. Thanks to changes in appliance fashion over the meantime, my computer is now this odd piebald grey thing with mismatched CD drives in that old beige colour everything came in up to a year or two ago. However, for the first time since I can’t remember when, it actually works.

Videos run in time. Hitting cnrl-alt-del has an effect. Opening a web browser and AIM at the same time does not cause a frozen screen of any kind at all!

And this is me, savouring just how nice a change that is.

I think a new name is in order. Tokyo Tower II doesn’t seem that appropriate anymore. Any suggestions?
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