This is the kind of reason why I never get anything done in the evenings lately >_

Jul 24, 2008 13:12

Yesterday, I checked the mailbox to find a letter from the real estate agent to say we hadn't been paying our rent. More exactly, it was phrased to say we were being evicted and had until the 30th to clear out, but with a clause down the bottom to add that we could still get away with staying there if we paid up within the next seven days.


Cue a panicked evening of running around madly, checking the online bank records for every payment I'd made in the last two months, then two phone calls to two different departments of the bank to make absolutely sure everything had gone through. Everything had. We took some solace in the knowledge that we could see no conceivable way whatever'd gone wrong was our fault, but the letter was obviously just a form letter with a signature at the bottom, so there were no actual details we could use to confirm. By that time, of course, it was far too late to phone the estate agency itself, so everything else had to be put off until tomorrow.

This morning, armed with as much paperwork as I could find to prove our case, I phoned them up. As soon as I told the lady who answered the phone who I was and why I was calling, she told me that we should be getting a letter of apology in the mail today. Apparently - much as we'd been guessing-slash-hoping - it was all due to a computer glitch at their end which hadn't recorded some of the dates correctly, and they were very sorry for all the trouble.

I could really do without any more of this stuff happening around here for a week or two, kthx. -_-

rl, extreme punctuation moments, moving out of home=not actually any fun

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