Everything happens at once

Apr 27, 2008 20:14

Somewhere in the middle of all the running around sorting out moving-related stuff this week, I had a birthday. Proper celebrations are going to be delayed this year until things calm down (needless to say) but I got to go out to dinner with my family to mark the occasion at least, so at least I get to feel remembered. ^^; Thanks also to everyone who wished me a happy birthday via online channels especially the ones who did so via email and whom I completely forgot to reply to in the busy couple of days that followed. And lots of love go especially to saqra for drawing Sol/Ky birthday fanart just for me. <3

Right now, we're hoping to have a combined house warming/birthday party the weekend after next - it may depend how organised the place is at that stage. Speaking of moving, the official date to lug the bulk of the furniture across and set up properly has been set for next Saturday. Still tons of packing to do between now and then, but the bulk of the phoning around for power/gas/etc is done about we're making decent headway with the furniture situation. Got to experience Ikea's extra giant new Perth store yesterday in all it's airport-scale glory, but I'm sure we'll be back again once we've moved in properly and have had time to really figure out everything we're still missing around the place.

On the writing front, the next chapter of Ghost Stories is going to take a little longer than I expected - not so much because it's giving me trouble or I don't have time to finish it, but because earlier this week I got hit with actual inspiration! for one of the harder scenes to come in chapters not so far ahead (and which I've been dreading having to put into words since way back when I started all this), and so editing the chapter 24 into shape got shunted down the priority list a few rungs. Hoping to get to it within a day or two though. I've also finally got my latest Guilty Gear fic back from my beta reader and only needing a few edits before it can be posted (also put off on account of the need to write out that Ghost Stories scene before inspiration left me again) and a piece of Discworld fanfic in the works (which I have told myself I was going to work on just about every evening for the last two weeks, hahaha ><) just for something a bit different. Come to think of it, I should really ask for betaing volunteers for that last one while I'm here. Anyone?

With a little luck, I can probably hope to get at least the first two of those fic uploaded in the next week or so, considering how very close to finished they are already. But considering that we'd probably have to be very lucky to get our Internet connection at the new place sorted out without any trouble, after this week, all bets may be off for a while. If I vanish from the Internet for a bit, at least you'll know why.

Meanwhile, I keep planning out all these posts I want to make about Crisis Core and the new xxxHOLiC episodes and everything and then I keep not finding time to write them. Oh well. Maybe next week. Or the week after that...

rl, discworld, guilty gear, fic-related blather, xxxholic

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