Tsubasa and XXXHolic snippets

Oct 01, 2006 19:00

Because I’ve loved some of the recent plot developments in both XXXHolic and Tsubasa that much, they get a snippet each. And I've only been reading them seriously, oh, less than a month? This is now officially the fastest fandom to get me to write something for it ever.

Series: XXXHolic
Title: Bad Luck
Word count: 497
Characters: Watanuki, Doumeki
Notes: Basically a few thoughts inspired by certain things revealed in the of the current arc (particularly chapters 118 and 119). Naturally, contains reference to some large spoilers for recent events.

When Watanuki was well enough to go back to school, everything and nothing had changed. The broken window had been repaired over the weekend, the courtyard swept clear of broken glass. If Watanuki was staying a little further away from the windows than usual, if Himawari was sitting just slightly forward to keep her back from pressing against the chair and if Doumeki was hanging around more than his timetable really required, no-one drew attention to it.

Himawari caught up with the boys for lunch, almost as usual; though for once, Watanuki couldn’t find the energy to complain that Doumeki stuck with them the whole time - even in the dubious privacy his own head. They ate sushi and egg rolls and talked about the weather (sunny, though with a suggestion of rain on the horizon), the exam coming up next week (maths, and if it didn’t look like being a killer), Yuuko’s latest customer (a young man who’s dying grandfather had left him a very peculiar item) - inconsequential things.

They were on their way home before Doumeki said, “Is it really okay this way?” Which was far too close to what Watanuki had been trying not to think all week to be taken remotely well.

“Okay like what?” He snapped automatically.

“You were nearly killed.”

“Well I’m sorry if I don’t want to treat her like a leper and I know you’d be a lot happier if I never went near her again…”

“I didn’t say that.”

“…and just because you’re lucky enough that she’s not bad luck for you…”

“You think she’s not bad luck for me.” It was barely a question.

“…doesn’t mean I have to spend the rest of my life never talking to her again even if I have to have you hovering the whole time like the world’s worst excuse for a chaperone and…” Watanuki’s brain took time out from rant status to check the progress of the other side of the conversation. “What do you mean she’s bad luck for you?”


“I’m the one everything happens to! When has anything bad happened for you?”

“I said nevermind.”

Oh, he was going to be like that, was he? How typical, Watanuki tried to think, but his heart wasn’t really in it. Something that seemed to be important nagged at the distracted side of his brain. “Hey, don’t you usually have archery today?”

“Not this week.”

“Why not?” Practice was definitely still on, they’d passed some of the other club members heading in the other direction on their way out, his memory supplied helpfully.

“Blood loss. I’m not up to archery yet.” Doumeki stopped a couple of paces ahead. “Are you coming?”

Watanuki realised his legs hadn’t moved since Doumeki uttered the first word. He shook himself.

“Yeah. I’m coming.”

The rain didn’t come in that afternoon after all, which only went to show that, hitsuzen be damned, the weather still had no sense of mood or drama whatsoever.

Series: Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicle
Title: Waiting
Word count: 437
Characters: Real!Syaoran
Notes: Inspired by the conversation between Syaoran and Mokona in chapter 129, not posted until now because I am lazy and have been busy as hell. Contains reference to some pretty damn big spoilers for recent events - if you're not up to date with the manga you've been warned.

Syaoran’s good at waiting. The myriad worlds have gods and kings who’d have gone mad in half the time he’s waited here with only the sounds of rising bubbles, the ripple of the binding spell against his skin to mark the passing seconds. But he has that eye to give him a window on a world unbounded by glass walls - the price that he received in exchange for half his imprisoned heart. More than that, because no seal holds forever. Because every passing minute is a minute less until that day, and he’s never once loosened his hold on that, not even for an instant.

It’s not just anticipation. Even if everything he’s counted on comes to pass and by the time they meet his clone has no need for half a borrowed heart, he still has to be there the moment the seal breaks. To reclaim what he loaned - and just in case his gamble doesn’t pay.

When he has dreams that are his own, it’s easier to see past that day to the time when there’ll be five of them and two of him. When his otherself will be more than just his own reflection distorted in the glass, and when he watches over them, they’ll look back and he’ll be visible at last, and maybe they’ll even smile. But that’s all too far into the future, too much time and too many worlds away, and too many things to happen first.

There’s no helping it, the truth is going to hurt.

The ninja won’t like or trust him, but he’ll come around eventually; and the magician will laugh and come up with a thousand silly names they’ll use to tell them both apart, with Mokona chiming in with unhelpful suggestions; and the princess - poor Sakura, who doesn’t know how to remember even one of them, she won’t know what to do with it all. And he and the other him will both feel a little like they’re intruding on something that isn’t truly theirs, but no-one will really try to tell him he doesn’t belong. He knows he can help them, it’s what he wants as well.

All this time he’s been their shadow companion, they’re all that keeps him from going crazy here, and he owes them something back. Yuuko was far too wise to tell them everything they’re up against, but soon they’re going to need to know.

One of him has a borrowed heart, and one of him a borrowed life, but there’s still hope that between them, they’ll add up to two entire lives.

Syaoran can wait a little longer.

fic, tsubasa, xxxholic

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