~o/`` Reinstalling Windows o/``~

Feb 27, 2004 16:49

Those of you who see to me on AIM regularly have probably noticed I seem to have developed a habit disappearing without warning. A lot. Often several times a conversation. Sometimes several times a minute*.

(*Well spotted! Yes, that last bit was in fact an exaggeration. But only because my computer takes most of a minute to reset.)

Naturally, this is all my computer's fault. It's decided freezing up at random is a Really Fun Thing To Do.

Needless to say, this is starting to get rather irritating. There are patterns to it, but they're never particularly consistent - it's one of those really funny problems you really don't know what to make of. It'll get gradually worse until it hits the stage where you're frustrated enough to try something drastic, then vanish completely for just long enough to put you off your guard only to leap out and bite you again a week or two later. For the first month or two after it first started getting really bad running winamp seemed to prevent it from happening altogether. Later this trick stopped working.

Past attempts at fixing the problem have been made without result. As a last resort (and after ages spent backing every file on the computer on to CD) last night I tried wiping every file from the hard drive and reinstalling everything from scratch. Which, let's face it, is no mean task; but should have fixed pretty much anything.

My computer has already frozen up twice since.

Okay Tokyo Tower, I officially admit defeat. Can we call a truce now? Please?
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