AO3 account updates and restructuring Summers'son

Nov 27, 2012 16:22

Okay. So. Making slow-but-steady progress on getting all my fic up over at AO3. All my xxxHoLiC is up (excluding Ghost Stories, which still isn't back from the beta reader), Guilty Gear is done, a half dozen minor fandoms I have had brief flirtations with over the years are done, and I'm up to Cable & Deadpool at last.

This also means I'm up to figuring out exactly how to go about posting that convoluted, multi-threaded AU monstrosity that is Summers'son.

Given the way the action jumps around from scene to scene and timeline to timeline, I'm thinking it's going to make much more sense as a series than as a single fic. (For all AO3's faults, options like the support for posting fic as a series make up for any multitude of sins.) That way, I can post the introductory chapters as one story, and each of the individual timelines following the split as a separate one. So, chapters 4-6, plus those three short epilogues (wherein Nate realises his attraction to Wade on his own terms and still manages to make a mess out of confessing to it thanks to an awkward psychic bungle) would become one fic, and the first part of chapter 7 would be another, and... okay, and here it gets complicated, because there are a few different ways I could break some of this down. I'm also about to need a whole bunch of new titles.

The provisional breakdown:

Part 1: Summers'son
Chapters 1-3 are the introduction to everything else that comes after, regardless of which path you take after chapter 3. That said, I'm inclined to post the first chapter as a standalone, since 1) it was originally written to be, and 2) everything that comes after jumps around so much that it makes far more sense as a series of ficlets than a coherrent story. So chapters 2-3 are probably going to be posted separately from the first chapter, probably under a title like "The Wade Wilson school of introductory 21st century living for wayward time-travelers". (Too long? IDK.)

Complicating things further, the first scene of chapter 2, between Nathan and Scott, doesn't really fit in anywhere, and remains the one scene out of the whole fic where Wade neither appears nor is even mentioned. Possibly that one needs to be posted as a separate ficlet too. Could be called something like "The Joys of Mutant Puberty", or even "The Joys of Mutant Fatherhood"

Or I could just keep everything up to the end of chapter 3 in one fic and keep it simple for everyone.

Part 2 (or possibly 4): How not to tell your best friend he's a mutant (A beginner's guide to sabotaging all your own best intentions)
Chapters 4-6 are possibly the only part of the whole fic which actually do add up to a coherrent narrative, so these are all obviously going in the one place. Same for those three epilogues.

Part 3 (or 5): How not to tell your best friend you're a mutant (An advanced course in missing the moment altogether)
First part of chapter 7. Technically this one gets a direct continuation at the end of the final chapter, but I'm happier leaving that to the conclusion.

Part (n+4): The easy way
Second scene of chapter 7. This is going to make for a very short fic, but it doesn't really fit in anywhere else.

Part (n+5): Love, sex, and other inevitabilities
Chapter 8 (plus epilogue). This could just as easily be the future of any of the last three fics, and I still think it works best left to the reader's imagination which.

Part (n+6): Askani's Sons
Chapter 9 (plus epilogue). Like the above, this could be the future of any of the last three stories, but it's so much darker than everything else in this fic that it definitely needs to be posted alone.

Part (n+7): Failure to stop for directions
Chapter 10.

Part (n+8)?
That last little AU version of chapter 1, because I'm really not sure where else this is going to fit. Or what to call it. Um.

Making these sorts of minor logistic decisions always takes me far more angst than it's worth, so if anyone wants to throw their own opinion/preferences/better ideas for titles my way, I'm all ears right now.

cable&deadpool, fic-related blather

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