Kicking of 2012 with a major life update

Jan 25, 2012 00:36

In 2011 I was half of the winning team in the Australian Madman Cosplay Competition, had both my legs sliced by a surgeon and spent over a month recovering, twirled poi on stage in front of over a thousand people, did not get nearly so much fic written as I would have liked (as usual), spent far more time making costumes than I meant to (also as ( Read more... )

depression, rl

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sassamifrass April 28 2012, 07:51:33 UTC
Hey - I'm catching up on the many months of LJ posts I missed from everyone (well, some people, anyway x_x)

This is remarkably similar to what has happened to me, except replace the bit about uni with Uni being... rather unpleasant. Life is pretty good now, but Uni - I don't think I could ever go back to Murdoch with the bad memories I made there. I'd quite like to do a second degree or post-grad somewhere else one day though, so I could appreciate the university life with none of the rubbishy things that were in it before.

But yes, I've had insomnia most of my life and I'd experienced a lot of the other symptoms you mention. I saw a doctor about it about two months ago and I've ended up going on anti-depressants myself, too. (This was the last time I described how it felt until I caved in and saw a doctor)

I do seem to have been sleeping a little better although the doctor thinks we may need a stronger dose, will see.

I completely share your relief about the fact that you can finally identify a root cause of the other problems. It's a relief being able to finally do something about it.

*sending you good vibes and my favourite emoticons*



(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻




rallamajoop April 29 2012, 11:33:49 UTC
Hi there! LJ seems a little dead lately - I hear tumblr is what all the kids are using these days - but I'm a hard rock to shift.

So, obviously IANAD and I can only guess how similar your insomnia may be to mine, but for me, taking the sleeping pill anti-depressant helped, but what made the real difference was getting put on the second anti-depressant (taken in the morning rather than at night, doesn't make you sleepy). I still do need my sleepy-pills, but I'm taking barely a quarter of the original prescribed dose - any more and I end up sleepy during the day. It seems like getting my head sorted out for daytime purposes was what really mattered. For the last couple of weeks I've been using a high-magnesium multivitamin I picked up in Japan as well (long story), and I've hardly had a bad night since. The ability to, like, go to bed and fall asleep in minutes and not wake up until after 9AM is a novelty I am still adjusting to. If any of that sounds at all useful I am only too happy to trade further notes. <3

It is so true that just having a name for what's wrong with me has been half the victory, but in my own case, I'd have to say it goes even further. It's like, for the first time in my life I've got permission not to blame myself for not always having as much energy, or ability to be grateful for things that other people do, you know? I can actually explain to people what's wrong with me. I can ask for help without feeling like it's more than I deserve. Maybe it was a big sister thing on my part, but I never even felt I had the right to make posts like that one you linked to before. So it's not just the relief of being able to do something about it. It's the relief of being able to say it's not my fault.

Anyway, I am wishing you all the best of luck in being able to improve things well beyond "a little better". I'm still not quite where I want to be, mood and energy-wise, but on insomnia at least I offer proof it can be done.

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ God I love this emoticon. It's just... everything centuries of art and science have ever been building towards.


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