A few items of personal canon on the subject of Tiger and Bunny

Aug 22, 2011 20:04

.../things someone should write fic about

  1. Contrary to what the show would have us believe, Wild Tiger does have a dedicated fanbase, mostly comprised of three groups: a) people who really get into the uncompromising hero schtick he has going, b) people, mostly young and male, who don't give much of a damn about heroics but think it's totally awesome how he's always smashing stuff up on camera, and c) old ladies who, for no reason Kotetsu has ever understood, have decided he's absolutely charming. Alas, little old ladies don't contribute much to the sales of his trading cards.

  2. At least one of our titular duo has a recurring nightmare in which the two of them end up having sex in front of the Hero TV cameras, while the disembodied voice of the announcer commentates on their every move ("Oho, and Barnaby's going for his fly! What kind of dazzling technique will Tiger use to tackle this new development?"). This nightmare started long before they'd ever had actual sex, and very probably before either was consciously aware of there being any romantic attraction between them whatsoever. It didn't the rest of that process any easier.

  3. The only reason Origami Cyclone has managed to keep his job despite point scores that would make even Tiger fear for his job security is that he's become the unofficial budget option for sponsors who want in on the show but who cannot afford anyone who's actually popular. This is also why showing off his sponsor logos is so important to him. It's also why he now has four of the things.

  4. Sky High is the only person on the team (if not the only person on the planet) who would be completely shocked by the revelation that Fire Emblem is, in fact, gay. This is not to say that the idea of having a gay teammate would bother him, just that he's never made the requisite connections. It is also possible that the fact that Nathan is gay has been pointed out to him in the past, but if so it's never quite sunk in. Remember, this is the same guy who was able to fall madly in love with a nigh-monosyllabic android without ever suspecting there might be something slightly odd about her. I love the guy, but much like Son Goku, or Luffy, or any number of other perfectly competent Shounen heroes, it's not for his brains.

  5. As evidenced by their casual banter in ep 6, Kotetsu and Nathan have, at some point in the past, had sex. Very casual sex in which at least one of them was likely quite inebriated, but possibly more than once. Neither of them consider this to be a big deal, but it's among the reasons why Kotetsu deals with Nathan's constant flirting with such ease.

    • Related fic idea: Barnaby finds out and is badly taken aback. It shouldn't bother him but - as the cliché crumbles - he's never imagined Kotetsu was into that sort of thing before and the idea is doing things to him he's not sure what to do with. Kotetsu can't figure out what on earth he's on about. It's Nathan! Hasn't everyone had an evening like that with Nathan at least once?
      1. The rest of the team all tell him, no Kotetsu, that's just you.
      2. The rest of the male membership of the team are suddenly refusing to make eye contact.
        1. ...except Sky High, who goes, he's gay?
        2. ...except Sky High, who goes, that was SEX?

Hm. Maybe I should actually have titled this "Five facts about the Tiger & Bunny cast that they never admitted to the interviewer". But do feel free to throw in any bits of your own personal T&B canon that you might like share. ^_~

Moving on, I have fic recs! All Kotetsu/Barnaby of some form or other, which I am sure comes as a great surprise to everyone.

Five Minutes by puella_nerdii
Probably the most NC-17 I have seen crammed into 1500 words in a while. This is hate sex in all its filthy, furniture-crushing glory.

This Night By takadainmate
Set post episode 13. Longer and much sweeter, but also very much NC-17.

I also quite liked this one, though since everything starting with the title is spoiler-ish for events in ep 20 onwards, I shall leave the rec at that.

fannish stuffs, product placement is never this much fun

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